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"Frank and Speak"
by A. Rhea King

Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don't own them, CBS/Paramount does.
Genre: Humor/Drama
Description: Will you be my beary valentine? T'Pol learns a secret about her boyfriend. History can be a brutal teachers. The prank wars continue. Have you seen Mr. Bubbles too?

Sucker! (6)

Sherie watched the tricorder in her hand, glancing nervously up and down the hall occasionally. She looked back at the tricorder and grinned. She reached up and entered the code for Trip�s door, picked up the huge Starfleet issue duffel bag at her feet and trotted in. Sherie could hear the shower running in his bathroom and Trip was singing. She trotted to the closet, opening the door. Sherie paused to grimace and look toward at bathroom door when Trip hit a high note painfully off key. Sherie pulled all of his clothes out of the closet and jammed them into the bag. She walked to the bathroom door and slipped in. Sherie grabbed all the towels but the one nearest to the shower, and then snuck back out. Sherie ran over to the bed and yanked the sheets and blankets off, stuffing them in the bag. She bolted out of Trip�s quarters as the shower shut off.


Archer walked into his ready room, stopping short. A packed Starfleet issue duffel bag sat on the floor of his ready room. He stepped back into the door, looking out at T�Pol.


She looked up at him.

�Where�d this bag come from?�

�I do not know. It was on your chair when I came on. No one seems to know where it came from.�

�What�s in it?�

�I do not know.�

�Trip to Archer.�

Archer walked over to his chair, pressing the companel. �Archer.�

�Sir...I have problem,� Trip giggled. �Oh, I�m going to kill her, but in the mean time I have a problem.�

�Kill who?�

�Sherie. She took all my clothes, towels and the sheets and blankets off my bed while I was in the shower. All of them. I have nothing here except a towel and a washcloth. Could you maybe ask her where my clothes are?�

Archer laughed. �T�Pol.�

�Yes, Captain?�

�Can you please take that duffel bag in my ready room down to Trip?�

She got up and went to Archer�s ready room to get the bag.

Archer waited until the lift door closed to ask Trip, �And how do you plan on retaliating?�

�I�ve got a few ideas. In the mean time I need my clothes so I can get to work.�

Archer sat down in his chair. �You know, Trip, you could just admit defeat and call this whole thing off.�

�What fun would that be, Cap�n?�

Archer shook his head. �Fine. Have fun. Get to work as soon as you get clothes.� Archer stood and went back to his ready room.

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