Index Star Trek: Enterprise Star Trek: The Original Series Star Trek: The Next Generation Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Star Trek: Voyager Original Work

by A. Rhea King

Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don't own them, CBS/Paramount does.
Summary: After being bit by a snake, T'Pol revives believing she's human. As her behavior becomes increasingly problematic, the crew realize they have to convince her she's Vulcan.


March 31 : Arid Planet, Shuttle Pod

She regained consciousness, staring at the bench before her. The lantern still glowed overhead, casting deep shadows around her. Slowly she pulled herself onto her knees and bandaged her head wound. Lethargically she moved to the opposite bench, pulled out blankets and made a bed. She crawled in it, pulling the blankets tight around her. Her eyes closed halfway when pain stabbed her in the chest.

Behind her she heard a man whisper, “T’Pol, stay with me.”

She felt a hand lay on her shoulder but didn’t move.

“Fight for me, T’Pol. You’re stronger than this.”

“I’m so cold,” she told him.

“I know, but you have to stay with me. Hold on.”

T’Pol didn’t answer. Her eyes drifted shut as she slipped into unconsciousness.

February 3 : Enterprise, Sickbay

T’Pol opened her eyes, looking up at Doctor Phlox’s chest. He was leaning over her, looking at a monitor. T’Pol smiled.

“Doctor Phlox, that color does nothing for you.”

Phlox smiled, leaning back. When he saw her smile, his faded.

“T’Pol... You’re smiling.”

T’Pol chuckled softly, closing her eyes. “I usually do at jokes, Doc.”

“I... Wasn’t aware of that.”

“My arm hurts really bad. Got any drugs?”

“The swelling hasn’t gone down completely but your fever broke and-- Do I got any drugs?”

“Yeah. My arm’s killin’ me.”

Phlox reached back to retrieve a hypospray. T’Pol turned her head, finding Trip asleep on the bio-bed next to her.

“How’s Commander Tucker doin’?”

“Commander Tucker?”

T’Pol looked back at Phlox. “Yeah. Commander Tucker. Him.” She pointed at Trip.

Phlox didn’t reply. He gave her the shot and walked to a table to retrieve a scanner. He returned and began scanning her.

“T’Pol, what do you last remember?” Phlox asked her.

“We were visiting the Osewa, they got into a brawl, I got decked, and was bitten by a snake.”

“Do you feel all right otherwise?”

“I kinda feel like I’m not quite awake. You know how it is when you wake up from a dream that feels completely real? Sorta there, sorta not.” T’Pol beamed. “And I feel like I’m floating! Is that normal? It’s kind of fun.”

“Fun?” Doctor Phlox asked.

“You think that floating feeling is fun T’Pol?” Trip asked.

The two looked at him.

T’Pol smiled at him. “Hi. How are ya feeling?”

“I’ll be right back, T’Pol.” Phlox walked over to a companel and began talking quietly to whomever he called.

“Wonder what his deal is.”

“How about you’re not talking like you, or acting like, you?”

T’Pol laughed. “Sure I am.”

“No, you’re not.”

“Okay, then how else would I be talking or acting?”

“Like a Vulcan.”

T’Pol looked up at the ceiling. “Well, there’s the problem then.”

“Why is that a problem?”

“I’d have to be a Vulcan to be acting like a Vulcan.” T’Pol shot him a smug smile.

Trip sat up like a springboard, yelling, “PHHHHHHHLOX!”


T’Pol sat on the edge of her bio-bed, one leg crossed over the other, looking utterly bored as she examined her fingernails. Trip sat on the edge of his bio-bed with a blanket pulled tight around him, watching her. Archer stood nearby, as perplexed and concerned about T’Pol’s behavior as Phlox.

“I have checked everything, Captain,” Phlox told Archer. “I have run all tests five times and found nothing abnormal. The only hypotheses I can come up with is that she’s suffering from delusions brought on by the venom or antivenin.”

“How long is this going to last? How extensive is it?” Archer asked.

“I don’t know how long this will last. And as for how extensive, she thinks her parents are human.”

“Because they are,” T’Pol muttered under her breath.

Phlox continued, “She also believes she was on the San Francisco police force before she joined Starfleet. Moreover, she insists she is not a Vulcan. It is that extensive, Captain.”

“You know, I’m sitting right here, Doc,” T’Pol complained. “You could at least acknowledge that I’m in the same room.”

“Didn’t the Osewa say the venom wouldn’t affect Vulcans?” Archer asked him.

“If the venom isn’t supposed to affect Vulcans,” T’Pol told them, “and I am a Vulcan, then why am I affected? That really doesn’t make much sense now does--

“T’Pol!” Archer looked at her. “HUSH!”

T’Pol looked away with a crooked grin.

“They said that this genus of snake has never bitten a Vulcan, not that Vulcan’s were immune,” Phlox corrected him.

T’Pol let out a frustrated breath. “I am not a Vulcan!”

Phlox looked at her. “Yet you cannot explain why you have pointed ears.”

T’Pol shrugged. “Albeit unusual, they’re a deformity.”

“NO, DAMNIT!” Trip bellowed.

The three looked at him. Trip slid off the bio-bed, walking up to T’Pol. He laid his hand on her arm, holding her gaze.

“They are like that because you are a Vulcan, T’Pol. For crying out loud, your name is Vulcan!”

“That’s because my parents liked the name and Vulcans. They were a minority.”

Trip stared at her.

“Then let’s contact your parents, T’Pol,” Archer suggested. “Where are they?”

“You know the answer to that.”

“Humor me.”

“They’re dead. My father owned a freighter, it was attacked, and the ship and all hands were lost.”

“YOU’RE PARENTS NEVER OWNED A FRIEGHTER, T’POL!” Trip yelled, and then much quieter added. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. T’Pol... Yes. You’re parents are dead, but they weren’t human, they were Vulcan. Your mom was a teacher; she died in your arms!”

Coolly T’Pol informed him, “You know, Commander Tucker, I don’t even know why you’re here. This doesn’t involve you.”

“This doesn’t involve me?”


Trip turned away leaning on a bio-bed, her jaw flexing as he wrestled with his anger.

“You mentioned releasing Trip to his quarters. Can he go now?” Archer asked Phlox.

“Yes, but he isn’t released to duty for another four days. He’s still very weak and shouldn’t be out of bed right now.”

“No, Cap’n,” Trip argued, turning back to them, “I’m staying. I’m not leaving her, not like this.”

“Why are you so concerned about me?” T’Pol demanded.

“Trip, just go to your quarters and get some rest. Staying isn’t going to help right now.”

“And why would you want to?” T’Pol asked Trip.

“Because, T’Pol--” Trip started.

“Trip, we can sort everything else out later when she can at least remember what species she is.”

“Cap’n, I can’t leave her--”

“You can and you will. Go.”

“Aye, sir.” With his head hung, Trip left Sickbay.

“What is his problem?” T’Pol demanded.

“Just focus on trying to remember who you really are for right now, T’Pol.”

“I know who I am! None of you seem to!”

Archer sighed, realizing that this was going to take a very long time.

February 10 : Enterprise, Mess Hall

Trip looked at the person stepping up to the breakfast bar next to him and for a moment stared at T’Pol. She carried a tray with a large assortment of foods.

“Isn’t all that gonna make ya sick?” Trip asked. He looked away to take a couple pancakes.

Flatly she snapped, “No.”

Trip shrugged as he walked away. He retrieved a glass of milk from the replicator and sat down at the last open table in the mess hall. He hunkered over his tray, wrestling with anger and hurt. He felt someone watching him and looked up. T’Pol was slowly approaching him. Trip looked around the room for another table to send her to, but discovered his table was the only one with an available chair. Trip looked up when she stopped at one of the open chairs.

T’Pol cleared her throat before asking, “Commander, may I--”

Gruffly he replied, “I don’t care.”

T’Pol sat down. Trip went back to eating, but he could feel her watching him. He finally looked up, catching her staring at him.

“What?” he demanded.

He noticed Hoshi walk into the mess hall, but his attention quickly returned to T’Pol.

“Why did you want to stay with me in Sickbay? Why are you so concerned?”

“It’s nothin’.” Trip looked back at his food. “Eat your breakfast.”

“I don’t believe it’s nothing. Tell me.”

Trip poked at a link of sausage. “It’s just... Before you were bit and forgot everything, we--”

“Do you mind if I join you two?” Hoshi asked.

The two looked up, finding Hoshi standing behind an open chair. Her smile quickly faded when the two didn’t answer.

“Or I could--”

“No. Have a seat,” T’Pol said. “You’re always welcome, Hoshi.”

Hoshi sat down. “It’s really crowded in here this morning. That’s so unusual.”

“I guess everyone heard Chef was making blueberry pancakes and waffles,” T’Pol joked.

Hoshi smiled. “I’m not used to you joking.”

“It’s early and I’m just getting started.”

“This... Is strange. Captain Archer said you were behaving different since you were bitten.”

“I’m not acting different.”

Trip gritted his teeth. “The hell you aren’t.”

“Will you just let it go, Commander? You’re mistaken and frankly this is getting old.”

Trip threw down his fork as he stood. He leaned on the table into her face. She held his gaze. Hoshi sat her fork down, watching the two.

Quietly Trip told her, “I am not mistaken, T’Pol. Why can’t you get it through that thick skull of yours that you are a Vulcan?”

T’Pol narrowed her eyes, anger clouding her face. Trip didn’t back down, despite how nervous it made him to see so much emotion in her face.

What happens when a Vulcan snaps?’ began reciting in his mind.

“You should probably leave, Commander. Your company is unwelcome.”

T’Pol looked back at her plate, resuming eating. Trip slammed a fist on the table, making everyone look up. T’Pol didn’t even flinch at the action.

“You’re gonna feel very foolish when you realize how wrong you are, T’Pol. Mark my word.”

Trip stormed off, too angry to deal with her anymore.

February 10 : Enterprise, T’Pol’s Quarters

T’Pol stepped out of the shower, pulling a towel off the rack. She began drying her hair, humming a soft tune. She looked at the bathroom door when her doorbell beeped.

“Come in,” T’Pol called.

She heard the door open and close. “Be out in a minute, Hoshi. Sorry about making us late to the movie.”

There was no answer. T’Pol pulled on her robe and tied it before walking out of the bathroom. She stopped, staring at Trip. He watched her with a strange expression – a cross between hurt and anger.

“Can I help you?”

“We have to talk, T’Pol.”

“We have nothing to talk about. Please leave.” T’Pol walked to her closet and started going through her clothes. She made faces at all of them, shaking her head.

She muttered, “Why are all my clothes so boring?”

“I never thought they were boring,” Trip replied. “You looked fabulous in everything you wore.”

T’Pol grew still, realizing what Trip wasn’t saying. She turned to face him.

“Talk about what, Commander?”

“You and I were dating before you forgot everything. And it’s killing me that you don’t remember any of that.”

T’Pol couldn’t believe what she was hearing. He was flat out lying to her because she knew she’d remember dating someone as annoying as he was. She shook her head.

“We never dated.”

Exasperated, Trip told her, “Yes, T’Pol, we were dating before all of this.”

“I’d remember something like that.”

Trip threw up his hands. “T’Pol, you don’t even remember what species you are! How could you remember something like that?”

“I am not Vulcan! I am human, Commander!”

“Trip. You always called me Trip.”

“I am not giving into your delusion that we ever dated, Commander Tucker.”

Trip walked toward her and she retreated. He caught her arms, holding her still.

“I care too much for you to let you slip away like this, T’Pol. I’m not going to let this happen to us.”

“Let me go.”

“T’Pol, please just give me a chance to--”

“LET ME GO!” T’Pol shoved him back.

Trip allowed the push to force him back.

“T’Pol, please--”

“I would never date you! I have feelings for someone else.”

Shocked, Trip gasped, “What? Who?”

T’Pol pressed her lips together, crossed her arms and cocked an eyebrow up.

“WHO, T’POL!?”

“I don’t know what you thought you’d accomplish by coming in here and lying to me, but it’s not working, Commander. You will leave. Now.”

Trip walked toward her again and forced her to retreat back against a wall. He leaned in, resting his fingertips lightly on her cheek. T’Pol felt something stir in her, but her anger beat it to death. She wasn’t about to date this arrogant, controlling man.

“Maybe I should have said this before today, but I’m saying it now; I love you, T’Pol. And I don’t know how I’m going to do it, but I’m getting you back.”

Trip leaned in close to kiss her, but stopped with his lips centimeters from hers. T’Pol’s heart raced and the feeling stirred in her again. This time her anger wasn’t strong enough to beat it back and she couldn’t take her eyes off his lips. Trip kissed her cheek. She closed her eyes, surprised at how light and warm the kiss was. She hadn’t expected that after his displays of anger. And then it was gone. T’Pol opened her eyes, watching him storm toward the door. He jammed his finger against the door controls and the door slid open as Hoshi was reaching for the doorbell on the other side.

With sharp curtness he ordered, “Outta my way!”

Hoshi quickly obeyed and he stormed past. She walked into T’Pol’s quarters, watching her.

T’Pol walked to her bunk and sat down with her face in her hands. Hoshi sat down next to her, laying a hand on T’Pol’s shoulder.

“What happened?”

T’Pol looked across the room, shaking her head. “It’s not important.”

Hoshi dropped her hand, nodding. “Lover’s spats are hell, aren’t they?”

T’Pol stomach leapt with shock. She looked at Hoshi.

“What did you say?”

“Lover’s spats are hell. At least I think they are.”

“I don’t have a relationship with that man, Hoshi. I can barely stand him!”

“Oh.” Hoshi looked away, confused.

“Why on Earth would you say something like that?”

“Because before your accident you two were a serious item. I just thought...”

“We were?”

Hoshi nodded. T’Pol looked at the floor, now even more confused. She knew Hoshi wouldn’t lie to her, so could Trip have been right? Had they been dating and she couldn’t remember that? But that just couldn’t be right. It couldn’t be, because...

“But... I love Captain Archer,” T’Pol retorted quietly.

Hoshi gaped. T’Pol put her face in her hands again, crying. She leaned into Hoshi when she put her arm around T’Pol’s shoulders.

Back to Chapter 1
Continue to Chapter 3

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