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by A. Rhea King

Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don't own them, CBS/Paramount does.
Summary: The Jit crew leave after Archer is contacted by their enemies. They learn the hard way that humans aren't easily dissuaded from defending those they care about.


Malcolm slowed his walk, hearing hushed voices. He stopped when he was close enough to hear them.

“...and just leave, sir?” someone finished asking.

Malcolm slowly looked around the curve in the wall. Sista had her back to him. Zintar and Jokra were standing with her and he could see deep concern in both of the boy’s faces. Sista started to turn to look back and Malcolm quickly moved back against the wall.

“Why didn’t you just give him the information, Sista?” Jokra asked.

“Nishta good,” Sista replied.

“But if we run...” Jokra started.

“We save Enterprise lives,” Sista said. “Enterprise not able defend against shikra warship. She nishta adequate shielding. Nishta fire power. She what humans call sitting duck. Destroyed in minutes if Varlikon open fire.”

“How will running save her, sir?” Zintar asked. “They know about us. They’re dead just for knowing us.”

“Because Varlikon will follow us. They want us bad so follow us. We get good start, fix weapons array and warp, and destroy when they get where we wait.”

There was a pause.

“Jokra, you like T’Pol, nishta?” Sista asked

“I...yeah...she’s my friend.”

“Yes. Zintar, you even want think what Varlikon sista do to K’pan Archer when he get hold of him?”

“He would first try to get information out of him using torture. And then he would be put to death as an example to the rest of the crew and because he harbored escaped Jit,” Zintar answered, his voice reflecting the truth he spoke.

“You want see that? You want feel bad because we let Archer and crew die when protect us?

“No, sir,” Zintar replied.


“No, sir,” Jokra answered

“Then we go. Varlikon follow. You know we must. If we nishta run, Enterprise and all friends die. High guard may try kill because they know we exist, yes, but at least we can give Enterprise chance to get safe.”

“Captain, I still don’t understand why you don’t just tell Captain Archer,” Zintar said with a frustrated sigh.

“You see how he get when threatened. How you think he handle know that hormone they tell him extract in you or Navta kill right now if touched? Or when extract hormone in Xerrix and Likos and Eartik reaches room temperature be deadly to them? How you think he handle that? You think he just let Varlikon ship fly way?”

“Probably not, sir. But...” Zintar stopped with a frustrated sigh.

“What Zintar?”

“Well...did you have to hit him so hard? Did you see the bruise you left, sir?”

“I need him angry so he nishta follow. I watch him. He attached to the young ones. If we run and he sees Varlikon chase, he try follow. I not let happen. I make K’pan very angry and he want see us gone for good.”

“I think you succeeded, sir,” Jokra said.

“I hope so. Get the crew, Jokra. Zintar and I will get the hormones. Must be quick. K’pan’s young crew working on off shift so not know how to stop us if detect Diedra getting ready to leave.”

Malcolm heard footsteps coming in his direction. He turned, entered a key code on the pad next to a door beside him, and slipped inside when it opened. Malcolm leaned against the wall, waiting for a few minutes. When he stepped back into the hall the three were gone.

Reed ran to Archer’s quarter. He pressed the doorbell and when there was no answer he began pushing it repeatedly. Archer was leaning on the doorframe when the door opened, squinting against the bright hall lights and looking more than a little angry. Malcolm glanced at the ugly green bruise on Archer’s cheek marked with five scabbed wounds.

“It’s one a.m., Lieutenant, and I just got to sleep,” Archer said, then cleared his throat and added, “So this had better be an emergency or someone had better be dead.”

“It is, sir.”

“Can it wait until normal business hours?” Archer asked.

Malcolm didn’t find the question humorous. “Sista and the children are leaving Enterprise as we speak, sir. They believe the Varlikon ship off starboard will attack Enterprise if they are on it and will try to kill us just for knowing the children. And the hormone--”

“Stop,” Archer said, putting up his hand. “Computer lights,” Archer said and lights came on in his room. “Get in here before you wake the rest of the hall Malcolm.”

Malcolm stepped in. Archer shut the door.

Archer sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose to relieve the oncoming lack-of-sleep headache. “Tell me everything, except slower. I’m not awake yet.” Archer yawned.

Malcolm re-told the conversation as he’d heard it.


Sista and Jokra ran through the door into the loading bay. Sista turned, pulled a phaser pistol out from under her shirt and shot the controls.

“Go,” Sista ordered Jokra.

The two ran around the Diedra and through the door. Jokra pressed the button by the door and it closed. Sista turned and hurried to the bridge. Navta walked past Sista, handing her a combadge. Sista pushed the combadge onto her shirt and then sat down in the captain’s chair. To her right Zintar sat, watching a monitor on the arm of his chair.

“What language are we speaking?” Sista asked in Varlikon.

“English,” the four on the bridge replied.

Sista smiled, hiding her sadness. Her crew had come to enjoy their Earth friends and had become quite partial to speaking English as a way to distinguish themselves from the Varlikon they hated so much.

“English it is. Run translator for combadges and install overlays on all computers, Diedra,” Sista ordered. She looked at the view screen, or rather, the lack of one.

“Start launch sequence,” Sista ordered.

“Are we blowing the door?” Ryce said, looking up from the weapons console

“No. I set an override in the computer. Open it when we’re ready to launch.”

“Won’t they detect this on the bridge, sir?”

“Probably,” Sista answered.

“Preparing for launch, Captain,” Sisyl said, glancing up from the helm as the view monitor came up.


Archer and Malcolm ran onto the bridge.

“Move Lieutenant,” Malcolm ordered the woman sitting in the weapons chair.

Malcolm sat down, running a scan of the ship. “The Diedra is powering up her engines, sir.”

“Archer to Trip,” Archer said.

There was no response. “ARCHER TO COMMANDER TUCKER!” Archer yelled.

“Tuck’ ‘ere,” Trip said, sounding just woken up.

“You’re the closest to the armory. Go get three phase pistols and meet us at loading bay three NOW!”

“Yes, Captain,” Trip said, sounding more awake this time.

“Lieutenant.” Archer turned to the Lieutenant Malcolm had made move. “If the Varlikon ship starts to open fire on us or the Diedra, return fire. Pursue the Varlikon or Diedra if they leave this area. Ensign,” Archer looked at the Ensign. “Wake T’Pol and Mayweather. Wake all remaining personal and man for battle. Lieutenant, relay my orders to T’Pol when she reaches the bridge.”

“Yes, sir,” the Lieutenant and Ensign replied.

“Malcolm, you’re with me,” Archer said, running out the door and toward the loading bay.

Malcolm and Archer reached the door at the same time Trip did.

“Is this a drill?” Trip asked, stifling a yawn.

“No,” Archer said, punching in the key code. There was a beep but the door didn’t open. Archer tried again. Again the door didn’t respond.

“DAMN HER!” Archer growled, slamming his hand on the door.

“What?” Trip asked.

“Sista fried the controls on the other side. As a precaution knowing her.”

“Move back,” Trip said.

Archer and Malcolm stepped away. Trip shot the control panel off the wall and handed Archer his pistol. He began fiddling with the wires. Suddenly the door shot up. The noise of the Diedra’s engines was deafening.

“Close the door behind us,” Archer yelled to Trip over the noise. He and Malcolm ran into the loading bay and under the Diedra to the door on the other side.


“Captain,” the girl at the navigation console said.

Sista looked up from the monitor on her chair arm. “Yes Brila?”

Brila looked back at her. “Three humans have entered the loading bay. They’re at the door, sir.”

Sista let out a cat growl narrowing her eyes.

“Shall we hold launch, sir?” Zintar asked.

“How long to launch?” Sista asked.

“Three minutes, sir.”

“Continue. Zintar take the bridge. Drista and Ryce, you’re with me.”

The three walked to the door and the two officers drew their weapons when Sista did.

“Set to stun. Shoot on my command only,” Sista ordered the two.

“Aye, Captain,” the two said.

Sista slammed her hand against the panel and had her phaser in Archer’s face before he lifted his. The three men didn’t raise their weapons. Archer held up his hands, dropping his phaser on the floor.

“I didn’t come here for a fight,” Archer said. “Stop the launch.”

“I’m afraid you’re too late, sir,” Sista said.

“Sista, I contacted Starfleet and they’ve granted asylum for you and your crew. I just got it last night and was going to tell you this morning. We’ll face the Varlikon together.”

Sista shook her head. “You don’t understand how this works and I don’t have time to explain it to you.”

“Two minutes to launch,” the computer informed the ship.


“You have two choice, Captain Archer. You and these two men turn around and get back to the internal safety of your ship. Or float out into space,” Sista said.

“You’re bluffing,” Archer said.

“Am I?”

“We can’t go back, Sista. You fried the door controls,” Trip said.

Sista’s eyes narrowed.

“There is that, sir,” Jokra said behind her.

“Launch will commence in one minute,” the computer reported.

“Get in here. All three of you,” Sista ordered.

“Stop the launch, Sista!” Archer ordered, glancing at the loading bay door. It was starting to open.

Sista made a slight motion with her phaser. Sista, Drista, and Ryce grabbed the men and pulled them on board. Sista pushed the control by the door and the door slid shut. She turned and shot Archer and then Trip, but stopped at Malcolm.

“I thought that was you hiding around the corner,” Sista said.

“Launch in ten seconds,” the computer informed the crew and then began counting down.

“I don’t want to lose you,” Malcolm said quietly.

“This was foolish Malcolm. These two, all three of you, you’re safer here. You heard what I said.”

Malcolm stepped around Sista’s weapon, laying his hand on her cheek. “Then I’m foolish.”

Sista lowered her phaser, pressing her cheek into his hand.

“Captain, we must launch,” Zintar said across Sista’s badge.

Sista looked up into Malcolm’s eyes. “Forgive me,” Sista whispered and then shot Malcolm. She dropped to the floor and her crewmen followed. “Launch!” Sista yelled.

The Diedra lurched forward, leaving the loading bay. The Varlikon ship turned as soon as the Diedra came around Enterprise.

“Send the message and go to warp, Commander,” Sista ordered.

“Message sent. Going to warp,” Zintar replied.

There was a burst of forward motion that flattened the three to the floor and then artificial gravity returned. Sista got to her knees, leaning over Malcolm. She kissed his lips and brushed her thumb over them.

“I’m so sorry, Malcolm,” Sista whispered, then ordered Drista and Ryce, “Lock them in quarters. Put a security shield in place. Also, provide a secure measure if we’re boarded and they need to defend themselves. Devise something.”

“We could use their help, sir. Especially Trip’s,” Jokra said.

“No.” Sista looked at them. “If we lose the battle, it’s better if it looks like we kidnapped them. Perhaps the Varlikon will show them mercy that way. Take them away, crewmen.” Sista got up and walked back to the bridge.


Archer moved his head and discovered there was a dull throb behind his eyes. Archer rolled onto his side.

“Captain,” a person in the dense fog of his consciousness said.

“He still out?” Malcolm’s voice asked.

“Naw. Just groggy. Jonathan, wake up.”

Archer felt a hand on his shoulder.


Archer swallowed, trying to wet his dry mouth. He reached up, brushing the hand on his shoulder away. Archer opened his eyes and found the room hazy. He closed his eyes tight and opened them again. The room became clear. They were in a sleeping quarter that had four bunks, a computer terminal at the back and two narrow closets on either side of the computer. Archer sat up and immediately felt woozy. He leaned over, waiting for it to pass.

“Them phasers must have a powerful stun,” Trip said. “Leave ya with some hangover.”


Archer looked up and around for the familiar voice. He found it standing outside of open door of the room and belonging to Navta.

“K’pan, are you all right?” Navta asked.

“Navta...where are we?” Archer asked, wincing a little when the dull throb in his head spiked across his temples.

“You’re on the Diedra,” Navta answered.

Archer got up, walking toward her.

“NO!” Navta held up her hand. “No. There is a security field across the door, K’pan. Don’t touch it. It will hurt you.”

“Why are we in here? Are we prisoners?”

Navta looked away. “Captain Vardee wants it to look like we kidnapped you in case...” Navta looked at Archer. “We’re going to fight the Varlikon. They’re coming. We picked them up on long-range sensors. They’ll find this system in an hour or less. If we lose and they board us, she wants them to think we kidnapped you. She hopes that will make them show mercy and spare your lives.” Navta stepped closer to the door. “But if that doesn’t happen, she put weapons,” Navta pointed to a closet. “Over there. Diedra has been told to release them if she experiences a systems failure or Varlikons board her. She will drop the force field if she detects any of you arming a phaser after that.” Navta looked back at Archer. “That way you at least have a fighting chance. Captain Vardee didn’t want you to be stuck in here like...what is it called...” Navta looked away again.

“Sitting ducks?” Trip asked.

“Yes.” Navta looked up, smiling. “Like sitting ducks. She wanted you to be able to protect yourselves.”

“Oh. How thoughtful of her,” Trip snarled.

Archer stepped closer to the door. “I need to talk to Vardee, Navta.”

“She’s busy. We have to get the weapons array back on line before the Varlikon get here.” Navta looked away, scratching behind her ear.

Archer moved a little closer to the door when he saw a red spot on the back of Navta’s neck.

“What’s wrong with you’re neck,” Archer said.

Navta looked at him. “That’s where Doctor Phlox took out the hormones. Don’t worry about the hormones either. Jokra got all of them and we destroyed them as soon as we stopped. No one on Enterprise will get hurt from them.”

“Navta, please, I need to talk to Vardee. Please.”

Navta smiled. “I’ll go ask her.” Navta frowned a little. “Sorry about all this. Captain Vardee really isn’t trying to hurt you...really. She just cares about all of you as much as you care about us, K’pan Archer.”

Archer smiled a little. “Run and ask her, Navta.”

“Aye, Captain!” Navta saluted and then ran off down the hallway.

“I wonder if that child ever frowns for very long,” Malcolm said.

“I doubt it.” Archer smiled. He leaned against one of the closets and crossed his arms across his chest and crossed one leg over the other at the ankle.

Back to Chapter 1
Continue to Chapter 3

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