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"Reflections in the Mirror"
By Lady Rainbow

Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Don’t own ‘em, don’t make money off ‘em.
Genre: Adventure/Sci-Fi - Sato, H. & Tucker, C.
Description: Will Terra Prime succeed in isolating Earth from its allies? What's next for the E Crew? New and old allies and enemies make their appearances.

Author's Notes: This prologue introduces an important character. And if the names of Skon and Solkar sound familiar, Solkar is Spock's great-grandfather and Skon is Spock's grandfather. (The Vulcan High Priestess in ST:III says to Sarek, “Sarek, child of Skon, child of Solkar...”) In “Future Present, Future Past”, Solkar is now Soval's aide in the Vulcan Consulate, after Jonathan Archer left to join Hoshi's crew.

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Solkar looked up as he heard a soft knock on the door, then raised an eyebrow at the visitor. “My son, what are you doing here? I had thought you were with your mother at the new school.”

Eleven-year-old Skon bowed his head in embarrassment. “I was there with Mother, but then Foremother called me to her side. She wanted me to bring a family acquaintance to see you here at the Consulate. Her words were, 'you will know him when you see him'.”

“Then send him in, Skon.” The younger man stepped aside to allow the visitor into the room. To Skon's amazement, his father gaped at the least, as much as Solkar would allow himself to gape. Then Solkar got to his feet and gave the Vulcan ta'al salute. “Peace and long life, my friend. It has been---”

“Fifty-five point five nine years,” replied the visitor, as he returned the salute. Skon heard the note of humor in the man's voice. “Quite a long time in Vulcan---or Human---reckoning. It is agreeable to see you again. I have missed your dry sense of humor.”

“And I have missed you. Please, sit.”

Skon gestured to the chair opposite him and the visitor sat down. As the two began a spirited conversation, Skon settled back to observe them both. It was odd to see his normally reserved father become animated as he talked with his old friend. Despite the fact that this man had the pointed ears of a Vulcan, there was a strange aura around him. Skon tried to pinpoint the reason, then came upon it.

The strange aura around him...he possesses a kind of charisma that reminds me of a great leader. Is he one of Surak's kin? Skon raised his eyebrows as he noted the other unusual characteristics of this man. He spoke Vulcan with an odd accent, so he hadn't come from Shi'Kahr or the other cities. Sura'Kahr, Skon decided, from the far south, where the sun shines even more fiercely in the desert than in Shi'Kahr. His hair is bleached of all color, so he must spend most of his time out-of-doors. Even sitting, he still towered over Solkar by a good quarter of a meter or so, and Skon had the impression that he was moving even as he was sitting there.

“My cousin Soval has informed me on the recent events concerning the High Council and the High Command. These are dangerous times, my friend. We must take great caution not to agitate the situation further.”

Solkar raised an eyebrow and replied, “The situation is already at a critical point. Are you suggesting we simply sit back and allow it to run to its natural conclusion? The implications are...distasteful, to say the least.”

“I meant no such thing, Solkar. I was merely urging patience and restraint in how we assess and remedy the problem. No, I will not let it become worse, for too many lives depend on it.” He leaned forward intently. “Will you help me?”

“Of course, you have my support.” Solkar nodded to himself as if finalizing an agreement. Then he noticed his son was still in the room. “Skon, forgive me, I have not even made introductions.”

The visitor turned to face Skon, and the boy froze as he saw the bemused expression. “My name is Sorien, young one, and I am an old friend of your father and of Ambassador Soval.”

“Sir,” Skon replied, and gave the man a deep bow.

“Respectful as well as intelligent. You have trained him well, Solkar. Perhaps he may be a great diplomat someday.”

Solkar inclined his head in agreement. “It is my fervent wish that my son follows in my footsteps, but time will tell.”

“Perhaps,” Sorien echoed, though Skon heard the irony creep back into his voice.

Solkar nodded “Skon will you inform your mother that our guest will be rooming with us for the foreseeable future?”

“Of course, Father, at once.” He bowed his head and murmured, “Master Sorien.” He didn't know whether or not, Sorien had earned the title, but it sounded correct.

Sorien's eyes softened as he replied, “We shall speak again, young Skon, I promise.”

Later, Skon walked through the halls of the Vulcan Consulate in a daze. As long as Skon lived, he remembered the enigmatic visitor and the unusual gaze, that had seemed to touch his very soul.

Continue to Part 1

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