"Vivarium" by A. Rhea King
Rating: PG CHAPTER 4 Archer stepped into the shuttle pod and hesitated when two Klingons and a Par’Tek turned to face him. Archer looked at Malcolm sitting at the navigation controls. The two men exchanged a silent concerned look. Archer walked to the pilot’s chair and slid into it. He reached out, tapping the companel. “Bridge.” “Yeah?” Vardee replied. “Are we close to the Par’Tek world?” “Yes.” “Shuttle pod three is prepped and ready for launch. One and two?” “Ready, Captain,” Travis replied. “Ready for launch, Captain,” Lieutenant Hess replied. “On your mark, Vardee.” There was a pause. “We’re dropping out of warp,” Vardee said, “Launch.” Archer released the shuttle pod from the arm and headed toward the green planet. Around him the armada of ships dropped out of warp, hundreds of shuttles and fighters launching from them. Around them space lit up as they opened fire on the shield and exiting Par’Tek fighters. “We’ve been detected, sir,” Malcolm said. “That didn’t take long.” “They didn’t detect us at warp. We did good,” the Par’Tek behind Archer said. Archer held his biting comeback. He set coordinates for the nearest breech to the vivarium his crewmen were in. Archer dodged phaser canon and missiles streams as they entered the atmosphere. “There’s a lot of hostile fire below the deck, sir,” Malcolm said, “and we’re being pursued.” “Hold on,” Archer told the occupants. He maneuvered the shuttle pod away from the attacking fighters, seeing the vivarium as soon they cleared the clouds. Below he could see ground forces had already been transported and were clearing the landing areas they’d chosen near the vivariums. Archer headed for his designated landing area and jumped up as soon as he’d sat it down. The two Klingons got up and ran out firing. “Gung ho!” Archer growled. “This way,” the Par’Tek said and led the two men through dark streets lit by a firefight to the vivarium door. He entered a code and waved them in. “What about you?” Archer asked. “I have to wait for the others to let them in until the security is dropped. Hurry. Find Gatir. He’ll take you to your people.” Archer and Malcolm ran through the door. They came to a hall and heard footsteps running toward them. The men pressed into a doorway, watching Par’Tek vivarium keepers run past. Archer glanced at the scanner in his hand and motioned Malcolm to follow. The two trotted through the halls and entered a hall that was dark and quiet. The two turned the corner and froze, staring at the Par’Tek that held a phaser at them. “Are you Captain Archer?” he asked. “Are you Gatir?” “Yes. Here.” He lowered the phaser and held out five security cards. Archer took the cards. The Par’Tek pointed down the hall. “They open the doors in this pod. I managed to keep your crew together, they’re all here. Take the Vulcan and Ferengi couples with you. The first one has your science officer and chief engineer. He got into a bit of a scuff with the keepers today. Hurry back so I can guide you out.” Gatir ran past the two men. Archer ran to the first door, found the door card that worked and handed the other four to Malcolm. “Get the others.” Archer stepped into a dimly lit kitchen, moving cautiously toward a door. He walked into the bedroom and let out a soft sigh of relief when he saw Trip and T’Pol asleep in the bed. Archer walked over to Trip’s side and crouched down, shaking him. “Trip.” Trip didn’t stir. “Trip, wake up.” Archer aimed his phaser when he heard movement and then light illuminated the room. T’Pol stood on the opposite side of the bed. “Captain.” Archer smiled at her. “We gotta hurry. Gatir said Trip got into a scuff with the guards. What did they do to him?” T’Pol reached between the mattresses and retrieved the hypospray she’d hid there. She walked around the bed, handing it to Archer. “He became hostile and they injected him with too much sedative. Gatir gave this to me to reverse it.” Archer took the hypospray, injecting a dose into Trip’s neck. After a few seconds Trip opened his eyes, looking at Archer. “Morning, dad.” “Trip, I’m not your dad.” “Sleep a li’l longer dad. Please?” “Trip, wake up.” Trip’s eyes closed. Archer shook Trip. “Come on, Trip, wake up.” Trip opened his eyes a little before falling back to sleep. “TRIP!” Archer yelled. Trip didn’t move. Archer looked up when he heard someone run in. Malcolm came in with the rest of the occupants of the habitat pod. Doctor Phlox pushed through them, crouching beside Archer. “Is this really an antidote to a sedative?” Archer asked, handing the hypospray to Phlox. Phlox opened the hypospray, reading the label on the vial. “Yes. Gatir told me he was given a hefty dose tonight. He became very violent when they threatened to separate himself and T’Pol. Give him another shot,” Phlox handed the hypospray back to Archer. Archer took the hypospray and gave Trip another dose. Trip stirred again. He opened his eyes, focusing on Archer. “Captain?” “You need to wake up, Trip.” Trip tried to but it was apparent that the drug was stronger than he his will, and he started to fall asleep again. “Doc, let’s get him on his feet. We don’t have time to wait for this to work.” Phlox and Archer pulled Trip onto his feet. Trip tried to force himself awake as they began walking. “Are we going home?” Trip murmured. “Yes. But not if you don’t wake up, Trip. Wake up.” Trip tried hard to obey. The group reached the main hall and was met by Gatir. “Your shuttle pod is this way,” Gatir said, watching Trip. The group started moving. They came around a corner and were met by Par’Tek soldiers. Archer gave Trip to Phlox and returned fire. Phlox sat Trip down on the floor, patting his face to keep him awake. “I wanna bed,” Trip murmured. “You need to wake up, Commander.” “No. Not until the elephants stop dancing. Why are they green?” Phlox sighed and slapped him. “OW! What’cha do that for!?” Trip whined. “Wake. Up. Commander.” “What’s up doc?” Trip laughed a little before trying to go back to sleep again. “CLEAR!” Malcolm yelled. Archer helped Phlox get Trip to his feet and the group moved again. They came out of the vivarium and crouched behind some bushes. The shuttle pods were in the midst of a firefight. “We’re going to clear the way.” Archer looked at Phlox. “I’m going to have you and this one,” Archer motioned back at the Ferengi woman behind him, “stay here with Trip. When we’re clear, you’ll have to hurry.” “We’ll do our best,” Phlox said. Archer moved the group toward the shuttle pod, quickly clearing the area. He turned at the shuttle and returned fire on advancing forces. Phlox and Ferengi woman helped Trip to his feet and hurried toward the shuttle pod. “Hurry, Doc,” Archer yelled. Phlox picked up the pace. Trip cried out when a phase stream hit him in the back and fell forward. Phlox grabbed Trip’s arms and drug him into the shuttle pod. He fell to his knees beside Trip, snatched a medic kit from one of the benches and began working. Archer, T’Pol and the Vulcan couple ran onto the shuttle pod. Archer slid into the pilot seat and launched the shuttle pod. The shuttle pod raced through the opening in the shield above and cleared the atmosphere. Archer set in a course for Enterprise before turning his chair. “Doc?” “He’s fine, Captain. Second degree burn, a nick really,” Phlox looked at Archer, “and he fell asleep again anyway.” Archer turned back to the controls. “Archer to Enterprise.” “Enterprise here,” Vardee replied. “We’re coming home with everyone and four extra. Be ready to go to go to warp once we dock.” “Acknowledged,” Vardee replied. # Trip jumped when his doorbell beeped. He quickly pulled items over what he was working on, and gathered the scattered pastel sticks and graphite pencils into a box. He stood, wiping his hands on his sweat pants. “Come in.” The door slid open and T’Pol stepped into Trip’s quarters. Trip watched her take three more steps in, her gaze traveling across the room until it stopped on him. “Good evening, Charles.” “Good evening.” “You appear to be feeling better.” Trip nodded. “I am. Go back to regular shift tomorrow.” There was a heavy silence between them. T’Pol walked up to Trip, sliding her arms around his neck. Trip closed his eyes, holding her close. “I thought for certain we were going to be separated before we were rescued, Charles.” Trip smiled. “No one will ever separate us, baby. I love you and I will never let anyone come between us. I promise that.” T’Pol pressed her face into his shoulder. Trip kissed the top of her head, feeling her start to tremble. “But we nearly were,” she whispered, “and for that moment I thought I was going to lose you forever. And it was then that I realized how much I love you.” T’Pol adjusted her arms so they could hold onto one another tighter. She laid her head on his chest, listening to him whisper confessions of love and consolation, and slowly relaxed under his gentle, caressing touch.
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