The Road Once Traveled
Disclaimer: I don’t own Star Trek. I wrote this for fun. Feel free to download, copy or pass this around. Just don't sell it. If I can't make any money from this, nobody else gets to either.
Listed below are the current stories that make up "Virtual Season 5," listed in the order that they take place or are supposed to be read. There are two options: the original HTML versions to the left, and the PDF eBooks to the right. | |||||
HTML versions "Want of a Nail" (complete)
"In the Cold of Night" (complete)
"Father to the Man" (complete)
"Purgatory" (complete)
eBooks (PDF format) For Want of a Nail (G), 27 March 2008 |
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Disclaimer: Star Trek in all its various forms and its characters are the property of CBS/Paramount. No copyright infringement is intended by the authors of this site, which is solely for the purpose of entertainment and is not for profit. This site is owned by CX and was opened to the public in February 2008.