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"Code of Honor"
by Lady Rainbow

Rating: PG-13
Pairing: R/S
Disclaimer: Don’t own ‘em, don’t make money off ‘em.
Notes: Sorry it’s taken me so long to update this story. Had a lot of health problems and complications come up, and it’s only recently I’ve been able to get back to writing on my computer for longer stretches of time. But I promise, this won’t go unfinished. :)

Draylax is mentioned in “Broken Bow” and “Horizon” and Travis talks about the Draylaxian women in “BB”. You meet one of Travis’s and Rhianna’s old friends and they find a clue to what happened to Paul.


“Is it true that Draylaxian have three—“

“Three of what?”

“Ah—“ One of the CSF regulars started at Travis Mayweather’s question. “Um...three, well, you know—“

“It’s true,” Travis said with a slight smile. “Three of ‘em.”

Mais oui?” asked the other CSF officer, who was about Jon Archer’s age. “You seem quite young to know—“

Travis chuckled and sat at their table. “I’m older than you think and I’ve spent the majority of my life in space, Jacques.”

Jacques lifted his glass in salute. “Well then, Monsieur Travis, Henri and I submit to your wiser knowledge. Salut!”

Malcolm leaned in the doorway and chuckled in response. He waved the CSF men back into their seats and said, “At ease, gentlemen. I understand you’ve been asking Mister Mayweather some cultural questions.”

Henri blushed to the roots of his dark brown hair. “Sorry, Commandant. You must understand...most of us do not have the travel experience that Monsieur Mayweather or you do, and we are simply curious. Sergeant DeVries—“ he inclined his head at Jacques, “—has been to Altair, which is more than I’ve been—“

“The CSF has never been off-planet?” Travis asked. “You mean you’ve never been called to help other Colonies or trained with other security forces?”

Non. We’ve been sheltered from the reality of Colonial crime-fighting,” Jacques admitted with an embarrassed expression. He glanced at Malcolm, who hadn’t reacted at all to the revelation. “I know that you’ve made some recommendations to remedy that lack, Commandant Reed, but they haven’t been implemented yet. Commandant Allemande has been occupied with the political fallout.”

Malcolm inclined his head and said, “Understandable, but still—“ He left the sentence hanging; he’d known about Allemande’s busy schedule, but Malcolm had thought Allemande would be more diligent about re-training the men under his command. He felt his anger rise in his chest, but consciously dispelled it. His health was still fragile, despite his great strides in recovery.

Travis seemed to sense his disquiet. “Malcolm,” he said quietly.

“I’m all right. This is just disturbing,” he replied, just as quietly.

Captain Sandosh’s voice interrupted their conversation. “Lieutenant Commander Reed, Lieutenant Mayweather, we are entering the Draylax system.”

Malcolm reached over and pushed the comm button. “Acknowledged, Captain Sandosh. We’ll be ready. Reed, out.”

Travis nodded at the others and said, “Mom and I’ve got to get ready. If Paul’s on Draylax, we might need to back him up.”

“Go on, Travis. We’ll catch up later.” Malcolm nodded at both CSF men, who snapped to attention. “Assemble the team, Sergeant DeVries. We will make sure we live up to our name, is that clear?”

“Yes, sir!” The two saluted and hurried out of the mess. Malcolm watched them go and shook his head. Sometimes soon, he was going to talk to Albert Allemande and get to the bottom of this. This was one of those times when he wished he’d taken the CSF Commandant’s job; if the CSF was weak, every Alpha Centaurian citizen—not just the ones who worked for Philippe Trieste and EdML—was in dire danger.

“The biomonitors will alert us if there are any problems,” Phlox reassured Malcolm. “I trust that you will do everything within your power to prevent that from happening.”

“Believe me, Doctor, I will do all I can,” Malcolm said. He caught Hoshi’s look of concern and Travis’s brief smile. Before this mission, he would have acknowledge Phlox’s warning with a silent nod, but no verbal promise. Ever since he was poisoned, he wanted to reassure his wife and his loved ones he was all right.

It was a drastic change from the stoic British Armory Officer whose trademark answer of “Fine” was enough. And indeed, Travis made the comment with light humor: “Good to see you’re human after all, Malcolm.”

“I never denied the fact,” Malcolm returned in a dry voice. He glanced at Hoshi, who wore a draping blue dress cut in Draylaxan style, its folds and trim hiding and revealing her trim figure. Her long black hair was done in an elaborate upsweep that complimented her face and eye make-up. Malcolm couldn’t help but smile at her; she blushed in response.

“Guys,” Travis teased. “Later.”

Now Malcolm was blushing. “Shall we go, Mister Mayweather?”

“Of course, Deputy Commandant Reed.” Travis’s grin widened as he looked over at his mother, who listened to the ribbing with tolerant amusement. Rhianna bent over to Hoshi and whispered something that Malcolm didn’t hear, but it only seemed to make Hoshi seem more cheerful. Malcolm glanced at Travis, who shrugged.

Captain Sandosh, dressed in formal Tellarite robes, led the way, followed by two CSF guards, then Travis and Rhianna, Hoshi and Malcolm, and Lieutenant Dumond and her best men. A group stayed with Sandosh’s crew on the Vhrum to secure the ship and act as a backup, just in case.

A cool breeze from the mountains felt refreshing against Malcolm’s skin as the negotiation party crossed the Draylaxian platform. At the end of the marble ramp was Master Ju’reel Noberrie, the head of Draylaxan Consortium. Unlike EdML, Vega, or Aldeberan, Ju’reel had a handful of attendants with him, instead of a large welcome party of a horde of security guards.

Saanya Mayweather,” Ju’reel greeted. “I am pleased to see you again.”

“And you.” Rhianna grasped his hands in a gesture of welcome. “You remember my older son, Travis?”

Ju’reel turned his brilliant smile towards Travis. “Yes, though I remember him as much younger and more energetic. It has been several seasons, young one.”

“Twelve or thirteen, I think,” Travis said with a grin. “You’ve aged well, Ju’reel.”

“The family has expanded to include several wives and children, Saan Travis, the youngest two are about your age now.” Ju’reel chuckled, and it sounded like a bizarre buzz deep within his throat. “And speaking of family—“ Ju’reel inclined his head and the hair on his jowls spilled onto his chest, “—your older son, Saanya, he was here not too long ago, but he is not here now. He left two naffa ago.”

“Two naffa?” Rhianna repeated, her glow of happiness and expectation fading. “Eight days ago?”

“Yes. He said something about returning to Alpha Centauri and EdML, but from what I have heard...he either did not arrive, or he did not return there as he planned.” Ju’reel shook his head and his whiskers quivered. “When I heard you were coming, I knew something had happened. Be assured that I will do all I can to assist you in finding your younger son, Saanya, and I will divert as many resources as you need.”

Rhianna released a sigh of relief. She pressed her hands together and bowed. “Isanaruk, my friend.” She straightened and said, “May I introduce some friends and family, Ju’reel? Captain Sandosh, my close friend and confidant—“ Sandosh only bowed at the mention. “Doctor Phlox, our esteemed physician—“ Phlox bowed as well, “--And this is Malcolm Reed, spirit-brother to my older son, and his mate, Hoshi Sato-Reed.”

Both Hoshi and Malcolm copied Rhianna’s gesture of welcome and Ju’reel returned it. “Pleased, pleased to make your friendship, both of you. I understand that you are now part of the Centauri Security Force, Saan Malcolm. It is fortunate that the head of the Draylaxan Guard is my half-brother and a formidable investigator in his own right.” He smiled at Hoshi. “My sources tell me you speak fluent Draylaxian and are a teacher. My first mate is eager to discuss the intricacies of language with you.”

“As I am with her,” Hoshi replied formally. “I give my thanks, Saan Ju’reel.”

Ju’reel nodded and clapped his hands. “Now that the formalities are over, we can concentrate on what matters the most. Saan Malcolm, Saan Travis, my half-brother and his Guard await your presence, while Saanya Rhianna and Hoshi, hospitality awaits you at the family house. We may talk business there; I know there are many things you wish to discuss. Captain Sandosh, I took the liberty of ordering some excellent vinna to drink. Please, my friends, come.”

Rhianna and Travis walked side by side next to Ju’reel, with both the CSF and Draylaxian Guard flanking them, and Hoshi and Malcolm close behind, followed by Sandosh and Phlox. The warmth from the Draylaxian sun warmed Malcolm’s skin and made him a little drowsy. Hoshi put a hand on his arm and he nodded.

By the time they reached Ju’reel’s compound, everyone was glad of the cool shade of the thick cement walls. Travis and Malcolm met with the head of the Draylaxian Guard, Ju’reel’s half-brother Nunba. Both Draylaxian were similar in height, coloring and body fur; the only way to tell them apart was Nunba’s royal purple uniform.

Nunba, to Malcolm’s relief, was as blunt and practical as his brother was verbose and chatty. The Draylaxian wasted no time in providing both Malcolm and Travis information about Paul’s brief visit, then waited patiently as the Humans read and digested the facts. Finally, Travis shook his head in disbelief.

“He caught a ride with Thea Brunswicke on the Lysander. Thea’s got him.”

Nunba sighed and rubbed his whiskers as he said, “Saanya Thea was a friend of your brother’s and of Ju’reel’s. We had no reason to suspect her or any of her allies. She offered Saan Paul transportation back to Alpha Centauri. It was not until much later that we discovered that she had deceived us all.”

“Damn,” Travis muttered.

“As you can see, Saan Malcolm, there was much talk between Saan Paul and my half-brother, much negotiation concerning the trade between our planets. The agendas for those meetings are there, but you must question Ju’reel for the specifics.” Nunba sighed again. “We have heard what has happened to the Nandjani Corporation on Aldeberan and are closely watching our own members.”

Malcolm glanced at Travis, who only shrugged. “Saan Nunba, have you noticed any changes in behavior of your members? Subtle or obvious?”

Nunba nodded, albeit reluctantly. “Yes, and my Guard detained them. We did all we could, but I am sure there are others still roaming free. And like any other Consortium, we must be vigilant against interlopers seeking to seize control.” He inclined his head toward Travis. “Be assured that we are on the side of Earth and Alpha Centauri, but it is difficult to maintain our position.”

“We understand,” Travis said. “We are all walking on air here.”

The Draylaxian turned back toward Malcolm. “I can acquire the most recent shipping records and manifests, if that will help.”

Malcolm smiled, for it was a change to have another investigator’s cooperation instead of interference. “That will help us quite a bit, Saan Nunba.”

And Nunba favored him with the toothless Draylaxian smile. “Saan Paul is my friend as well. I will do all I can to save him. That is my solemn promise.”

Back to Part 11
Continue to Part 13

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