"The Logic of Emotion" by Lady Rainbow Rating: PG-13 Thanks for reading, but please leave a review! I’d like to know what you all think of this story. Like the others in the Switcheroo Series, this helps set some of the groundwork for the rest of the series. This is the last chapter. Many thanks to my readers and those who left reviews (Begoogled, Ladyhawke Legend, rfortstars) and special thanks to Pesterfield for his superb edits, as always. :) Keep those reviews coming, please, I do appreciate them! Pairings: R/S implied, TnT Fifteen Enterprise, March 19, 2155, 2352 hours “So that’s why you’re able to get away with half the wisecrack remarks you make around Soval,” Hoshi said with a broad grin. “He basically knows why you do it and it doesn’t bother him as much as other Vulcans.” “Yeah. He puts up with a lot from me.” Trip replied with a chuckle. “In return, he gives me plenty of advice, just like he would with any other member of his family.” T’Pol raised an eyebrow and said, “He does attempt to impart his wisdom to those under his charge. So does this mean that we are bound by clan ties as well?” Trip thought a moment. He wasn’t sure if the prospect bothered or thrilled T’Pol; it was hard to tell with her. “Not like brother or sister. More like, oh I don’t know, distant cousins or somethin’ like that. It’s not like we’re related by blood.” “Obviously,” she replied dryly. “I’m rather surprised that Soval has never told me this about you.” “Ah...probably ‘cause he didn’t know how you’d take it. Your mother follows strict traditional rules and courtesies, so I don’t think she’d be thrilled at a Human bein’ close to the family.” Jon nodded in agreement. “That actually makes some sense. T’Les is very much the traditionalist.” Travis stretched and got up. “Shows how we still got a ways to go, doesn’t it? But like Soval said, there’s hope. Well, thanks for the tale, Trip, and give my greetings to the ambassador next time you chat with him.” “Will do, Travis. ‘Night.” Phlox smiled and said, “Have a good evening, Lieutenant Commander Tucker, and happy birthday.” “Thanks, Phlox.” Phlox headed back to Engineering, while Travis went to the Bridge. Malcolm got up first and helped Hoshi to her feet. “I’d be gratified if you could stop by Sickbay within the next few days, Lieutenant Commander.” Trip sighed and shook his head and asked, “Please tell me I’m not gonna be your next pet project. You know how I feel ‘bout being hooked up to your machines.” Malcolm’s eyes twinkled and he replied, “It won’t hurt much, I promise.” Hoshi elbowed Malcolm gently in the ribs. “Doctor, enough. I’m not going to have my Chief Medical Officer and my Armory Officer at odds with each other. The crew might get ideas.” “I wouldn’t worry too much, my dear captain. I suspect the crew already know about our little ‘disagreements’,” he answered dryly. “Yeah, and we have a reputation to protect,” Trip added with a broad grin. “Doc, no promises, but I’ll do my best. The Armory’s got some upgrades comin’ and it’ll be hectic.” “I’m sure your precious cannons could spare you for a few hours.” Hoshi stepped in before it could turn into an argument. “Trip, arrange it through Lieutenant Cutler, all right? I believe you’re on the duty roster tonight, Malcolm, and Trip and I have a long day tomorrow.” She smiled at Trip. “Good night, Trip.” “‘Night, Doc. Cap’n.” Jon, T’Pol and Trip noticed the glance that went between the captain and her Chief Medical Officer as they went through the door. Jon quirked an eyebrow and asked, “They’ve known each other...how long? Five weeks?” “Don’t even go there, Jon,” Trip said. “‘Sides, I think she’s romantically involved with Matt Hayes, of all people.” Jon gazed at the door long after they’d left, then shook his head and dropped the subject. “Good night, Trip. See you in the morning?” “Bright and early, Jon. Thanks for everything.” After Jon left, T’Pol touched the IDIC symbol around her neck and said, “I would be honored to offer you friendship...Trip, if you would have it.” “Sure, if you don’t mind putting up with a completely illogical Human being.” Trip grinned at his own words. “If Soval can do it, I hope you can too.” T’Pol regarded his words for a moment, then lifted her hand, palm facing forward and fingers close together. Trip nodded and mirrored the gesture. She touched his palm gently with hers... ...and saw a bright flame, surrounded by rings of dark clouds. The clouds were like an impenetrable barrier, a gate to the flame. T’Pol instinctively knew that she would not be able to breach it, not right now. But why was Trip surrounded by a sea of dark emotion, when he showed no outward trace of it on the outside? Is this what Soval saw when he mind-touched Trip? The darkness that is just...barely held back by the light? Is this why Soval told me to take caution around this man, when I told him I would be serving with him? She understood Soval’s concern now. She knew the scars that life had given her; how much more pain had Trip endured in the past decade? Whatever it was, Trip had locked it within his subconscious, so his crewmates only saw the easy-going, calm exterior. Whatever had happened, T’Pol wasn’t going to judge him for it. Instead, she was going to be his friend and fellow officer...and if he needed assistance, she would give it to him. It was the most logical course of action to take. All this happened in a few heartbeats. When she dropped her hand, she met his gaze squarely. “Be known that if you require any...advice, I am capable of acting in Soval’s stead.” “I’ll keep that in mind, T’Pol. Thank you.” She inclined her head to him and left his quarters. There was much to meditate on in the coming days...Humans were such a complicated species, indeed, but an honorable one. Trip watched her go. Such offers of support didn’t come easy from a Vulcan; it took a long time before earning one’s trust. If Soval could do it, he had confidence that T’Pol could too. He grinned and thought, Still gotta write that thank-you note to Soval for the IDIC. It’s appropriate for how my little birthday fete turned out. I wonder if somehow he knew. Trip allowed the door to close behind him as he tried to figure out just how to phrase his message.
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