Star Trek: Pioneer Rating: R Author's Note: This is a work in progress. Revisions may come along as time allows, but the basic plot is in place. My effusive thanks to everyone who has encouraged me to continue writing this and my added thanks to those who have put in their constructive criticism. Everyone has moved the process along, and I'm grateful there is continued interest in the project. Peyter Koon's basic challenge to his crew revealed in a latter chapter applies more to me than I expected: "Do you have the stamina to see it though?" The answer I think for me is yes, but it would take far, far longer without the encouragement and input from others. I've also deliberately taken the rating up a notch for convenience sake. I'm a profane fellow and there's no telling how much I've said or implied that will offend tender sensibilities. Rest assured, I know the rating is certainly not G or PG, but PG-13 might be a trifle too mild to take in all I've put down. For this I hope I can be forgiven. Listing: Book I: The Great Barrier (incomplete)
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