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"Black Widow"
by A. Rhea King

Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don't own them, CBS/Paramount does.
Summary: Archer is kidnapped right under the crew's nose. Following the clues leads them to an alien they picked up, and at first presumed to be working for a enemy. But when they learn shy she really kidnapped him, they become desperate to find him.


Trip and Reed stared at the Dawroq solar system on the view monitor. T’Pol stood next to Travis.

“What have you determined?” T’Pol asked Hoshi.

“Antina was a little off. There are three inhabited planets and about a dozen moons,” Hoshi replied. “A few trillion aliens and several hundreds of kilometers of mountainous woodlands.”

“Oh no. We don’t have our search cut out for us or anything,” Trip added.

“Pessimism will not bring Captain Archer back.”

“Won’t find him at this rate, either.”

“We will search towns that have farms of any kind within two hours of them.”

“T’Pol, that’s not gonna help.”

T’Pol glanced up at Trip with a disapproving look. She walked over to her station and worked the controls. A star chart of the system appeared on the view monitor with flashing red dots.

“We will dispatch three person teams to each of these coordinates to search.”

“It’s going to take a while to get them there by shuttle pod.”

“They will be transported.”

“T’Pol, a lot of the crew doesn’t like the transporter.”

T’Pol looked up with a very cool stare. “Do a lot of the crew wish to find our Captain dead?”

Trip didn’t answer. He knew the subtle look of anger in her eyes.

“No,” Trip answered.

“You and Lieutenant Reed will form the teams. Lieutenant Sato, Ensign Mayweather, and I will remain on board with minimal crew. All communications will go through Lieutenant Sato.” T’Pol cleared the star chart of the view monitor.

“What if Bionq runs?” Reed asked.

“I will pursue her.”

“You could be chasing her for a while.”

“On the contrary, if she does not have Captain Archer and he is not alive, she will not leave this solar system alive.”

The two stared at her for a moment. Reed pulled up a roster and he and Trip began forming teams of three. T’Pol walked back to the Captain’s chair and sat down. She stared at the sun in the distance, keeping her concern buried deep.


Reed and two crewmen walked through the crowded walkway, stopping everyone to show them a picture of Bionq and Archer and getting the same response: no. Reed reached the end of a block, looking around him. He looked back, watching the crowd.

“Sir, we’ve covered nearly the entire town,” one of the crewmen told Reed. “We’re never going to find him.”

“I know.”

“You haven’t searched the entire town,” someone said.

Reed turned. An alien in bright clothes watched them. He had his arms folded across his stomach with his hands tucked into his sleeves.

“Have you seen either of these two?” Reed handed the alien the PADD.

He took it, looked at it, and handed it back.

“Perhaps. What will you pay for the information?”

Reed shook his head. “I’ve nothing. Sorry to have wasted your time.” Reed started walking away.

“I like the fabric of your uniform,” the alien said.

Reed stopped short. He turned and walked back to the alien.

“I can arrange for two bolts to be sent down.”


“Done. Have you seen her?” Reed held up the PADD.

The alien took the PADD, looking at her face. “Yes. She usually shops in the market on the far end of town. The one that aliens don’t go to unless they’re hiding, running, or both.”

“Do you know where she’s staying?”

“For another bolt, I might.”

“For five I could use the layout of the area around where she’s at too.”

“I’ll even provide blueprints.”

Reed smiled. “Thank you.”

“Oh no. Thank you. Follow me.”

Reed and two crewmen followed the merchant through the crowd.


The house was small, but it wasn’t the main house on the property. It was the guest cottage far from traffic and travelers. There was a building where farm animals were once kept, but now housed stale hay and a hovercraft. Ancient mountain forests surrounded the house, filled with the sounds of night creatures singing in chorus. A sliver of a moon couldn’t penetrate the thick boughs and branches of the trees, but with each gentle breeze patterns wavered over the dark ground.

A twig snapping silenced the chorus, and then little by little the chorus started up again. Among the trees humanoids moved with stealth, each one armed, closing in on the house from all directions. Each one had a scanner aimed ahead of them. They paused only to disable the alarms that riddled the forest around the cottage and stopped at the edge of the trees. One lifted their hand to their lips. With a soft click the communicator’s soft light revealed Trip’s facial features.

“Everyone in position?” Trip whispered.

One by one hushed voices replied ‘yes.’

“We’re moving in. Keep the perimeter secure. If either one tries to escape, kill her, stun him. Do not hesitate. She will kill you if you do. Understood?”

Multiple voices replied, “Affirmative.”

Trip motioned to his left. He and another human walked toward the door. In the dim light Trip joined Reed outside the door. The two worked on the control panel outside the door. Reed stopped, holding two wires apart. He looked at Trip.

“Ready?” Reed told Trip in a whisper.

The three checked their weapons.

“Are you certain you want to be the one to shoot her?”


The door opened and the men entered. They flicked on flashlights and crossed them over the top of their phase pistols as they moved through the house. They entered the bedroom, shining the flashlight on the bed. There was only one humanoid shape in the bed.

“DIIIIIIIIIIIIEE!” erupted from behind them.

The two turned. Bionq was charging Reed with a knife raised over her head. Behind them the humanoid sat up in the bed.

“Lights!” he yelled.

Lights came as Trip fired at Bionq. The particle stream burned a hole into the woman’s heart. She dropped to the floor.

“BIONQ!” Archer shoved between them, running to her. He fell to his knees beside her.

Reed and Trip were stunned by his degraded appearance. The photograph Bionq had sent to her sister didn’t show his hollow blood-shot eyes or how much weight he’d lost or how sickly and weak he appeared.

“Bionq?” Archer said.

“Cap’n,” Trip said, “she’s dead. She was going to kill you.”

Archer picked up her wrist, finding no pulse. He laid her wrist down, pulling the knife from her hand unnoticed.

“You killed my wife,” Archer growled.

“Cap’n, she’s not your wife.”

With a scream Archer spun to his feet, the knife aimed at Trip’s chest. Reed stunned him. He fell back two steps, dropping the knife and gripping his stomach. He glowered at Trip and lunged again, his hands wrapping around Trip’s throat. Archer’s weight threw Trip off guard and the two crashed to the floor. Archer lifted Trip up by the throat and started beating Trip’s head against the floor as he strangled him.


Reed fired again but it didn’t have any effect. He fired two more times before Archer began show any sign that the shots were affecting him, but it took four shots before he finally fell unconscious. Trip pulled Archer’s hands from his neck and gulping in air.

“Are you all right?” Reed asked.

Trip nodded, getting up. He pulled his communicator out of his pocket.

“Trip to crew. Bionq is dead and Cap’n Archer is unconscious. Everyone prepare for transport. T’Pol, get a lock onto the Cap’n and transport him directly to Sickbay.”

“Stand by,” T’Pol replied over the communicator.

Trip and Reed stared at Archer until he was transported away.

Back to Chapter 3
This series continues in The Road to Cardion

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