Index Star Trek: Enterprise Star Trek: The Original Series Star Trek: The Next Generation Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Star Trek: Voyager Original Work

by A. Rhea King

Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don't own the, CBS/Paramount does.
Summary: The Jit and animals of Enterprise come down with a virus. The crew know the race that exposed them to it, but have been ordered to stay away from them. But when Malcolm learns his Jit wife is pregnant with twins, he risks everything to save them.


Archer strolled down the hall, watching his feet. He was tired but every time he’d tried to sleep he would have nightmares that woke him up minutes later. He finally just gave up on sleeping and went to visit Porthos. The dog was getting worse like the others and while Archer didn’t voice his loss of hope to Doctor Phlox, he could tell the Doctor was getting more frustrated the longer this went on.

“Bridge to Captain Archer,” a voice said on the communications system.

Archer walked to a communication console and pressed the button.

“Go ahead, Ensign.”

“Sir...uhm...we think that we have a situation.”

“Explain, Ensign.”

“We think the Diedra is launching.”

“Malcolm,” Archer hissed.

Archer took off at a run toward the bridge.

“We can’t override the bay doors, sir,” the ensign at the engineering station said as soon as Archer came onto the bridge. “We’ve been locked out of all systems except environmental controls.”

“Ensign.” Archer looked at the young man sitting at Hoshi’s station. “Open a channel to the Diedra.”

Malcolm appeared on the view monitor. Archer was momentarily struck in awe at the holograph that was surrounding Malcolm.

What do you think your doing, Lieutenant Reed?” Archer snapped.

“Defying a direct order and going to Bastion to get the information for Doctor Phlox, sir,” Malcolm answered, not looking at Archer.

“You’ve incapacitated my ship, Lieutenant. I have to say that so far this morning you’re doing a real good job at pissing me off! You will abort that launch, return my ship controls, and come to my ready room immediately.”

“In twenty minutes you will have controls back. I’m going to Bastion to get the information, regardless of you or Starfleet’s orders, sir.”

“Lieutenant, if you go through with this I will court-martial you. Now I understand--”

“I know what you have to do, Captain Archer, and I will return shortly so you can follow through with it,” Malcolm looked up at Archer. “But it is not your wife and children dying in Sickbay. Reed out.”

Archer stared at the view monitor when it returned to a space view. The Diedra jumped to warp, flying past Enterprise and disappearing.

Archer sat down in his chair, saying to himself, “Good luck, Lieutenant.”


“Bastion home world coming into range, sir,” Zintar said.

“Keep us out of sensor range and come to a full halt. I want to scan that city and get an idea of where we can go to get this information.”

“You don’t know, sir?” Zintar looked at him.

“I’m a munitions officer, Zintar, not a science officer.”

Zintar smiled. “Understandable, sir. Coming to full halt and running scan. Scan complete and coming up on view monitor.”

Malcolm stepped through the holograph suit, looking over the city scan on the holograph view monitor.

“Pull in on this.” Malcolm pointed to a building.

Zintar ran another scan and the building came in closer.

“I can’t see what it is.”

“It’s going to be difficult to from here.”

Malcolm frowned. “It’s too bad we can’t look like them and go down there.”

“We can,” Zintar said. “The combadges have a holographic emitter for localized holographs. That’s how we were able to project a map when we were on Oriprek. It can project a holograph over us that is quite realistic.”

“Let’s disguise ourselves and get down there then.”

Zintar nodded, starting to enter information in the Diedra’s computer.


The two Bastions walked down the sidewalk, returning a single nod other passing Bastions greeted them with. The smaller of the two stopped every so often, reading signs on the buildings and then trotted to catch up to the taller one.

“Sir,” the smaller one said.

The taller one stopped, looking back. The smaller one walked up to him.

“There was a clinic back there,” Zintar whispered.

“No. This would be military. It’s hidden,” Malcolm replied.

Zintar held up a tricorder, entering information on it.

“This way,” he said, pointing to a street.

The two turned onto the street. Malcolm spotted the council hall Sista had told him about and the park. Across from it he saw a formidable building.

“The sign says Bastion Government Building,” Zintar said

“Good,” Malcolm said. “Let’s get in there and see what we can dig up.”

The two passed through the front doors and stopped short. There was a scanning device was a few feet inside the doors that Bastion were passing through

“Will those--” Malcolm started.

“Disrupt the holographs, sir? Yes.”

“Outside,” Malcolm said.

The two turned and walked back outside. Malcolm trotted across to the park with Zintar following. He stopped under a tree and looked back at the building.

“We have to find a way in.”


Malcolm looked at Zintar. Zintar was watching the Bastions in the park.

“What?” Malcolm asked.

“When I was speaking with T’Pol about the virus, she told me she came to the conclusion it was animal DNA based partly because of the sick animals Vardee Sista came in contact with here on Bastion”


“She told me about the last day they were here and how these lights,” Zintar pointed to the lights in the park. “They began flashing. What if the answer isn’t in a government building, but in an animal clinic?”

“A vet?”

“Yes. That’s what you call them.”

Malcolm looked around the park. “Then let’s find ourselves a vet.”

Zintar pulled his tricorder out. “This way, sir.”

Zintar stopped across from the street from a building, motioning to it. Malcolm stood for a few minutes, watching Bastions entering and leaving the building with an array of pets in carriers or on leashes.

“Looks like a vet,” Malcolm commented.

“What do we do now?”

“Find a place to wait until it closes and break in.”

“Yes, sir.”

Malcolm turned and led Zintar to an opening between two buildings across the street from the veterinarian clinic. The two crouched down behind a set of stairs, watching the clinic. Malcolm sat down against the building after an hour, his mind starting to drift back to Enterprise and his sick wife and unborn children.

“Was Archer mad when you spoke with him?” Zintar asked.

Malcolm nodded. “Having second thoughts?” Malcolm asked Zintar.

“No, sir.” Zintar looked at Malcolm. “I want to save my family.”

“Me, too,” Malcolm said.

“Congratulations by the way,” Zintar said.

Malcolm looked at Zintar.

“On being a father.”

Malcolm frowned, looking at the clinic. “Not for long if we don’t get an answer fast.”


Malcolm and Zintar separated from the darkness, looking up and down the street. Malcolm darted across the street to the veterinarian clinic with Zintar running behind him. Zintar pointed a tricorder at the door control and it unlocked. The two slipped in and walked through the reception area into the back.

“What are we looking for?” Zintar asked.

“Haven’t a clue. Just go through everything until you find something that resembles the cases on Enterprise,” Malcolm whispered. “Take those three rooms. I’ll take these four.”

The two separated and began going through computers. Malcolm found no information in the fourth room so he decided to check for hidden information.


Malcolm jumped, turning. Zintar was standing in the door.

“What?” Malcolm whispered.

“You need to come see this.”

“What is it?”

“You need to come see it, sir.”

Malcolm followed Zintar to a door at the back of the building that opened onto stairs. Zintar led Malcolm down two levels to a basement with a titanium wall and door. He aimed his tricorder at the locking mechanism on the door and it clicked open. The two walked into a large room with two rows of sick mammals in cages in the center. Along one side were rows of consoles facing rooms with observation windows. Inside the rooms were several humans. Malcolm walked up to the windows, staring at the two sick children inside.

“This, sir, is what I wanted you to look at,” Zintar said.

Malcolm turned, walking over to the console he was standing at. He pointed to the screen.

“I can’t read it,” Malcolm said.

Zintar looked at Malcolm, looking him in the eyes. “These humans are Jit. They made this virus to attack the three main breeds of Jit, sir. Feline, canine and anthropoid.”

Malcolm felt the world crashing in on him again as he turned, looking at the Jit lying on bio-beds behind the windows. “They knew,” Malcolm gasped a breath. “Those bastards...they fucking knew she was Jit!” Malcolm slammed his fist on a console. “Did you find the antibiotic?”

“I’m still trying to access it,” Zintar said.

“Keep trying,” Malcolm said. He walked over to a window, staring at the two sick children behind it. “We have to get them out of here,” Malcolm said.


Malcolm looked back at Zintar. “We have to get these Jit out of here.”

Zintar looked down at the console and back at Malcolm. “Sir?”

Malcolm looked at him.

“Sir, according to this all of these Jit are in the last stages of the virus. They’ll be dead in a day or two and this antigen won’t save them.”


“Sir, we can’t save them. They’re dead.”

“We can’t just leave them!”

Zintar looked down at the console. Malcolm looked at the children.

“But we have to...don’t we?”

“We can’t save them. I want to as well...but we can’t. There isn’t anything we can do.”

Malcolm laid his head against the window, closing his eyes.

“Keep looking for the antigen.”

“Yes, sir.” Zintar returned to working on the computer.

Malcolm looked back at the children, fighting with his rage to start killing Bastions. All the pieces suddenly fell into place. They had known Sista was Jit. They had known and that was why they were so interested in showing Archer and T’Pol all the sights before sending them away. They kept Sista on the surface to ensure her exposure to the virus so she would carry it back to the ship and infect the other Jit. That had to mean that the Bastion were working with the Varlikon, but Malcolm could only guess as to why. Malcolm looked at Zintar when he walked up to him.

“I have the information, sir.”

“Wipe their computers,” Malcolm ordered. “Only leave the cure.”

“Sir, what if--”

“Erase the information, Zintar. Leave only the cure. Nothing else is to remain.”

“Yes, sir.”

Zintar looked at the console, hesitating. He looked at Malcolm and then started erasing the information as ordered. Zintar looked back at Malcolm when he’d done as ordered.

“Done, sir.”

“Let’s go home.” Malcolm turned and headed for the door. The two returned to the surface. Zintar pressed his combadge.

“Two to beam up, Diedra,” Zintar said, looking at Malcolm.

Malcolm was staring at the door that led to the basement. Malcolm looked away as the transport began.


The Bastion councilor stared at the empty rooms. Beside him two Varlikon chancellors were looking over the empty rooms, their faces pulled into tight expressions of anger.

“How did this happen?” one of the chancellors demanded.

“We are not sure, Chancellor Ultah.”

“How did they find this facility? It was supposed to be the most secure location for these tests!”

“We don’t know how they found it, sir.”

“Do you know who they were? Or why they only left the information to build the antigen but destroyed the rest of the information?”

“The Bastions were unable to identify the ship. It jumped to warp before they could fire upon it.”

“Was it the Diedra?”

“We don’t know, sir. They were jamming sensors.”

“Sounds like the Diedra,” the second chancellor commented.

“Yes. It does.”

“Sir,” The Bastion councilor said. “We’ve been monitoring the Enterprise for the last week and a half. The Diedra did launch, but we weren’t able to get a bearing on her. She’d masked her warp signature before she went to warp. Other than that, the ship has been sitting in one spot for five days.”

“Were you able to find the ship that left with the information and antigen for this virus?”

“No, sir.”

“Your funding will be cut,” Chancellor Ultah snarled. He turned and stormed toward the stairs.

“But the virus works, Chancellor Ultah!” The councilor said.

Chancellor Ultah spun, glaring at the Bastion. “Yes, the virus did work. But now it’s very likely that the rebels have the cure. Need I remind you this virus takes two weeks to reach final stage at which time the antigen will not cure them. They’ve only had it for a week and a half. The virus will no longer be able to stop them. Our alliance is over. We will expect a shipment of workers by the end of the week. If you fail to comply we will destroy your planet and your colonies.”

“Yes, Chancellor,” the Bastion councilor said, looking away.

The two Varlikon stormed away followed by four armed high guard officers.


“The Diedra just dropped out of warp, sir,” Trip informed Archer.

“Archer to Security,” Archer said, looking at the view monitor.

“Go ahead, sir,” a woman replied.

“Send officers to loading bay three. Arrest Lieutenant Reed and Zintar as soon as they come aboard.”

“Yes, sir.”

“One more thing.”

“Yes, sir?”

“Any information they brought back needs to be taken to Sickbay immediately.

“Yes, sir.”

Archer looked at the floor. He didn’t want to look up because he knew his bridge crew was watching him. He knew what they were thinking. Several of them, even T’Pol, had tried to dissuade Archer from court-martialing Zintar and Malcolm, but this was a Starfleet vessel, not a cruise ship. Archer had to keep order and if he allowed this to slide, he would be setting himself up for further insubordination from other crewmembers.

“Sir,” the security officer said.

“Yes?” Archer said.

“Lieutenant Reed says he has a report he feels you need to review immediately.”

“Proceed as ordered. Hold that report and I’ll take it in the brig.”

“Yes, sir.”

Archer stood. “You have the bridge, T’Pol.”

Archer walked to a lift and stepped on, pressing a button. When he looked up everyone on the bridge was staring at him. The doors closed to his relief.


Malcolm looked up when the door of his cell opened. He sprung to his feet, standing at attention before Archer. Archer nodded once and the officer behind him closed the door.

“As your commander, I’m very disappointed in your disobedience, Lieutenant,” Archer said, holding his hands behind his back. Archer lifted his chin, watching Malcolm’s face. There was a certain sense of pride in the man’s face, despite the trouble he knew he was in.

“Yes, sir,” Malcolm replied.

“You disobeyed direct orders from both myself and Starfleet command.”

“Yes, sir.”

Archer brought his hands around in front of him, looking at the PADD in his hand. He sat down on the bunk of the cell, frowning. “So there were infected Jit there, huh?”

“Yes, sir. Zintar found and gathered information showing the Bastions have been researching this virus for a while. I was unable to determine if they were willing working with the Varlikon.”

“These Varlikon are starting to be a thorn in my side.”

“As they are in mine, sir.”

“And you wiped the computers at the facility, leaving only the cure?”

“Yes, sir.”

Archer nodded a little before looking up at Malcolm. “Brig for two months and probation for six months at which time you will report to your post and your quarters only.”

“Yes, sir.”

Archer stood and knocked on the door. It slid open for him. He looked back at Malcolm.

“As your friend, Malcolm,” Archer began, “I can’t thank you enough and I suppose, had the roles been reversed, I would have done the same thing to save my wife and children.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“I’m on my way to Sickbay. I’ll let you know how things turn out.”

“Thank you, sir. Permission to make a request, sir?”

Archer frowned. “You’re walking on thin ice, Lieutenant.”

“Will you stay with Vardee until she’s showing signs of recovery?”

Archer nodded. “I can grant that request.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Archer turned and left the cell. Malcolm smiled when he was gone, sitting back down on the bench.


Archer smiled at Porthos when the dog licked his hand. Porthos--like the other animals and Jit--was still a long way off from recovery, but it was good to see him a little more active than he had been. Archer looked up, watching Malcolm across the room. After half of the crew had asked him to release Malcolm from the brig, Archer finally relented. He confined Malcolm to Sickbay and his quarters and extended the probation.

“Hey,” Archer heard Malcolm say and looked up again.

Sista turned her head and smiled. Malcolm leaned down, kissing her forehead.

“That was some nap,” Malcolm said with a smile.

Sista held her hand out to Malcolm and he took it, kissing her fingers.

“How you?” Sista asked.

Malcolm smiled. “In hot water.”


“I...went to visit Bastion against get the antigen for the virus.”

“Malcolm,” Sista said.

Malcolm kissed her fingers. “Shhh. It’s not a problem.”

“You stubborn.”

“I know. You tell me that at least once a day.”

Sista smiled.

“I have a surprise for you.”

“Not going to nebula,” Sista said.

“No. Better than the nebula.”


“We’re going to have twins. And Doctor Phlox says they are doing fine.”

Sista laughed. Malcolm stood up and hugged her.

“Malcolm, I love you,” Sista said.

Malcolm leaned up, looking in her eyes. “I love you too.”

Archer stood and left Sickbay, strolling down the hall with Porthos cuddled to his chest. Archer stopped at a window and leaned against the side, watching space speed by at warp five.

Back to Chapter 2
This series continues in Arms Wide Open
The next Tweens story is The Wedding

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Disclaimer: Star Trek in all its various forms and its characters are the property of CBS/Paramount. No copyright infringement is intended by the authors of this site, which is solely for the purpose of entertainment and is not for profit. This site is owned by CX and was opened to the public in February 2008.