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"No Borders"
by A. Rhea King

Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don't own them, CBS/Paramount does.
Summary: Cardassians kidnap two Jit and Trip during an attack, forcing Archer and Malcolm to go to the mining colony they're being held at to rescue them. During the rescue Archer discovers Malcolm is thinking of asking Sista to marry him.


The Diedra rocked violently. Malcolm and Drista looked at each other.

“The Cardassians,” Drista said, jumping to her feet.

“The shielding isn’t online yet, Drista!” Malcolm yelled, watching her run toward the armory door.

“Be right back,” Drista called as she ran out.

Malcolm turned back to the console. The ship rocked again.

“Sista to armory,” Sista said.

“Reed,” Malcolm replied.

“We need that shielding up, Malcolm.”

“I know! I know. I’m working on it.”

“Where’s Drista?”

“She left.”

“I’m back,” Drista said, running back in. She handed Malcolm a device that wasn’t much bigger than his hand. “This is a phaser. Aim this end at the bad guys.” She pointed to the black tip. “Push this button to shoot.” She pointed at the green button.

Malcolm looked at her. “Why do we need these?”

“SHEILDS!” Sista yelled.

Malcolm and Drista went back to work.

Trip ran into the room, asking, “How’s it going?”

“Not well, sir,” Malcolm said.

Trip pushed Malcolm back and looked at the console. “You’re close. Here, let me--”

The three turned, hearing the sound of someone teleporting into the room. Drista aimed and shot the two Cardassians that appeared, disintegrating them on the spot. Trip and Malcolm both looked at her, then the phasers they’d been handed.

“Shields, sir,” Malcolm said.

“Right.” Trip turned back to working on the console. “Get under there and check what I tell you to.”

Malcolm dropped to his knees and climbed into access opening under the console.

“We need shields people!” Sista yelled over the comlink

“WE’RE WORKING ON IT, CAPTAIN!” Trip yelled back.


“Your girlfriend has a hidden temper, know that Malcolm?” Trip asked.

“You have no idea, Trip,” Malcolm replied from somewhere behind the wall.

“Wire six-eight-D. Live or dead?”


“Okay...” Trip entered in information on the console. “Conductor twenty-two-F. Connected and live?”

“Connected but I’m not getting a power flow reading, sir.”

“That’s got to be it. That has to be.”

The Diedra rocked again, throwing Trip against the wall. The door opened and Jokra ran in.

“Do you need help?” he asked.

“No,” Trip answered, standing up. “Malcolm, you got another conductor in there?”

“Trying to put it on now, sir”

The three turned, hearing more Cardassians teleport in. Seven of them stood with weapons aimed at Trip, Drista and Jokra. The three dropped their weapons, slowly raising their hands. A Cardassian said something and they started teleporting with the three as Malcolm came out of the access opening.

“NO!” Malcolm said, reaching for Trip. His hand went through air where the Commander had been. Malcolm spun and slammed his hand on the console. It lit up suddenly. “Bring the shields online and activate, Diedra,” Malcolm ordered.

“Compliance,” Diedra’s computer replied.

“Malcolm to Sista.”

“Go ahead.”

“Shielding is up. Do Cardassians look like gray walking lizards?”

“Yes. Why?”

Malcolm turned, looking around the empty armory. “They just took Drista, Trip and Jokra.”

Sista didn’t reply.


Sista stared at the floor with her arms wrapped tightly around her stomach.

“Communication has been established with Enterprise, Captain,” Ryce said.

Sista rose to her feet and clasped her hands behind her back. She slowly gathered herself to stand straight before looking at the view screen.

“Open the channel, Ryce,” Sista ordered in a quiet voice.

Archer and the bridge of the Enterprise appeared on the view screen. Archer smiled.

“You’re late,” Archer quipped. “Lose the trail of bread crumbs?”

“We were attacked by Cardassians,” Sista said.

Archer’s smile faded. “You didn’t instigate it, did you?”

“No. We had to go around a plasma storm and had to border their space. They attacked us. We had a portion of the shields down and Jokra and Drista were taken.” Sista paused. “And so was Trip. We’re following the warp signature of the Cardassian ships. Since it’s taking us into Cardassian space you’ll want wait outside their border. Well outside of their border.”

“I’m not letting you go after them alone,” Archer said.

“Sir...” Sista looked away. “Ryce, connect us in my quarters.”

Sista turned and walked away.

On board the Enterprise Archer looked at Hoshi. “I’m taking this in my ready room.”

Sista walked to her desk and sat down. She pushed a button above the keypad and Archer’s face came up on the holographic view screen over her desk.

“What’s wrong, Vardee?” Archer asked.

“I suspect they’re taking them to a mining colony. The planet is outside of Cardassian space, inside another race’s territory. While this is not my main concern, Jonathan, it should be yours.”

“I’m going after my man. I don’t care whose space he’s in. And what is your main concern, Vardee?”



“There are Jit slaves on the planet. I was going after them after I left Malcolm and Trip with you.”

“You just assumed I was going to let you do that?”

“Need I remind you this is my ship, Jonathan? Assumption had nothing to do with it.”

“You’re right. It’s not my place to tell you otherwise...but I still would have asked you not to go alone.”

“You really shouldn’t get involved in this, Jonathan.” Sista shook her head a little. “Starfleet surely wouldn’t want you to and it doesn’t exactly fall under exploration.”

“I’m going after my man, Vardee.”

“Jonathan, Enterprise can’t--”

“Don’t tell me what my ship can and can’t do, Vardee!” Archer snapped. He leaned close to the screen, adding in a calmer voice. “Stop worrying about my girl. She can hold our own when the situation calls for it. You need my help and they have one of my men. Send us the coordinates and we’ll be right behind.”

“Very well. There will be Cardassian patrol ships and they will attack. Be ready for them.”

“Will do.”

Sista’s combadge beeped and she tapped it. “Go ahead.”

“Cardassian ships have been detected on long range sensors, Captain,” Zintar said.

“I’ll get back to you Jonathan,” Sista said.

Archer nodded once. “Archer out.”

Sista got up and walked back out to the bridge.


Archer let out a long sigh, staring at the red planet hanging in the sky on the view screen.

“So...this is it?”

“Yes,” Sista said on a voice only communication.

“Looks like mars,” Hoshi commented.

“What’s mars?” Sista asked.

“A planet in Earth’s solar system,” Archer answered. “Have you been able to locate the missing crew?”

“No. There are too many Jit and Varlikon. I can’t make out my two or Trip.”

“Then we’ll have to go down there and look for them,” Archer said.

“They’ll detect a teleport,” Sista said.

“I’d rather take a shuttle anyway.”

“Jonathan, how are we going to do this? If you go down there alone, and you say or do something not like a Varlikon, they’ll know.”

“Then one of you’re crew will need to go down with us.”

“If someone goes with you and you treat them as equals, then they’re going to know you’re not Varlikon.”

Archer looked down. “Then we won’t treat whoever goes like an equal.”

“Do you know how to treat a slave?”

“I’m sure we’ll get it figured out by then, Vardee.”

Sista didn’t reply right away. “I have made contact with a Jit on the surface. He can be trusted. He will have information for you when you reach the surface on someone who can help you find Trip, Drista and Jokra.”

“Okay. I need T’Pol on the bridge on Enterprise, Vardee, so I’m going to need Malcolm to go with me to the surface. Send him and whomever will be going with us to Enterprise.”

“Yes Jonathan. Vardee out.”

Archer stared at the red planet, unsure if he was feeling anxiety or nervousness right now.


Archer stopped when he finally saw the city below. He looked at Malcolm standing beside him. Malcolm shrugged his shoulder, throwing his poncho like coat back onto his shoulder and looking over his shoulder at Zintar. Zintar was following behind them carrying a silver case in each hand. There was a remote collar attached around Zintar’s neck with a flashing green light on it. The collar wasn’t active but it was identical to the collar they had seen on the few Jit slaves they’d passed in fields on the way to the city.

“Are you okay?” Malcolm asked Zintar.

Zintar nodded. “Yes, sir.”

The three started walking again, making their way down the hillside toward the city.

“See the posts.” Zintar motioned toward the eighteen feet tall green posts that they were passing as they walked along the road.

“Yes,” Archer answered, glancing back at Zintar.

“On the other side are hunting grounds.”

“Hunting grounds?” Archer looked back at Zintar.

“They hunt Jit in there. There’s an energy force field that surrounds areas from post to post and across the top of the area. So the Jit game can’t escape.”

Archer looked up at a pole as they passed it. The three heard shouting and turned. They saw five men running through the forest in pursuit of a nude woman. Archer reached for his phaser. He looked around when Zintar put his hand on Archer’s, stopping Archer from drawing his firearm.

“No,” Zintar whispered.


“No, Captain Archer. It’s a hunt. If you stop it, they’ll know you’re not Varlikon. Remember what Vardee Sista said, sir? You are going to see a lot of things you don’t like, but if you don’t behave right, they’ll know you’re not Varlikon.”

Archer looked around. He clenched his hand in a tight fist at his side, glaring at the Varlikon as they ran past. The men stopped suddenly and two shot phaser rifles. The woman began stumbling until she fell out of sight over the hill. The men ran after her and suddenly there was a spiel of joy from the men.

“We need to go, sir,” Malcolm said, his voice reflecting his disgust. “Our contact is waiting for us.”

Archer turned and walked away.


The city street was clean, but bustling with Varlikon, Cardassians and Jit slaves. Following Sista’s guide, they turned into an open market and made their way to a produce stand. Archer began to examine fruit set out on the stand, striking up a conversation with the vendor. Malcolm and Zintar to work their way around to the side where a Jit was placing the produce out on the stand.

“Vaita,” Zintar said quietly to the Jit.

The man looked at him, glanced at his master and back at Zintar. He nodded once.

“We’re looking for someone,” Zintar whispered.

The man glanced at Malcolm and then Zintar.

“He’s Nanu,” Zintar whispered.

“Who are you looking for?” the man whispered.

Zintar pulled a PADD from under his shirt and turned it so the slave could see it. He showed him a picture of Trip and the two Jit taken from the Diedra. Last he showed a symbol. The Jit’s eyes widened and he nodded. Zintar quickly put the PADD back under his shirt.

“I’ll get what you’re looking for. Just a moment,” the man said.

Malcolm picked up something that looked like a grapefruit and pretended to be interested in it.

“Slave,” Archer called.

Zintar walked over to Archer. Archer shoved a bag of fruit in his arms. “Go wait by Micla.” Archer ordered.

Zintar bowed slightly and returned to Malcolm’s side. Archer kept the merchant’s attention, keeping a close eye on what was happening. The Jit slave came back out with a bag of fruit. He handed the bag to Zintar.

“This is a good selection,” the man said. “Very delectable. The misses will enjoy it.”

Zintar looked at Malcolm, whispering. “We must go to the Keep now.”

Malcolm turned and walked back to Archer with Zintar following behind him.

“We have all we need,” Malcolm said to Archer.

Archer thanked the vendor and the three started walking through the crowd. Archer pulled out a PADD from a case on his belt and used it to navigate their way to a building in the center of the market. Inside it was open and cool compared to the heat outside. Plush furniture was placed around fountains and tables and surrounded by tree like plants. At the back was a long counter with several Varlikon working behind it. Jit hurried to and fro around them, most following their masters, some tending to children, others carrying luggage. The three approached the counter and waited for an attendant to serve them. A man walked up after a couple of minutes.

“Welcome to the Region Keep. May I help you?” the man asked.

“We need a room,” Archer said.

“Yes, sir. Fill this out,” the man said, handing Archer a pad and stylus.

Archer stared at the pad he was given, realizing he didn’t know how to write in Varlikon.

“It’s under my name, Minister,” Malcolm said, stepping up beside him. He filled out the PADD and handed it back. “I am in-attendant Raslia Micla, with Minister Arclina Jaklina,” Malcolm said.

The attendant looked down at a monitor and pulled up the information.

“Yes. We have your reservation paid for in advance by the ministry. Welcome Minister Arclina. We hope you find your visit pleasant.”

“Griftlina,” Archer replied.

The man handed Malcolm a piece of copper with a hole at one end, saying, “The Jit will show you to your room.” He motioned behind the two men.

“Griftlina,” Malcolm said.

The three turned and found a brunette child waiting behind them. She looked like she was maybe twelve years old and kept her eyes on the floor and her hands held in front of her. Archer looked at Malcolm for what to do.

Malcolm handed the child the copper piece. “Our room,” he said.

The child led them through the halls to a lift and stepped on. The three stepped on behind her.

“Third level,” she said.

The lift quietly rose to the third floor and they stepped off. She led them to a room, unlocked the door and held the door open for them. Malcolm and Archer walked in, not sure if they should even speak to the girl. Zintar walked in, saying something quietly to her. The child looked up at him, her eyes widening. Zintar hissed at her like a snake and snapped his teeth at her. She ran out of the room and Zintar closed the door behind her with a soft click

“What was that about?” Archer asked Zintar

“She, uh... She came with the room,” Zintar answered.

Archer walked up to him. “What do you mean she comes with the room?”

Zintar frowned. “You know what I mean, sir.”

“No. I don’t.”

“She was and Lieutenant Reed’s...use while you were here.”

“We...she...couldn’t be more than twelve!”

“Age makes no difference, sir. She is Jit. Jit are used as their masters see fit.”

“This is insane!” Archer spun and stormed over to the window.

Malcolm and Zintar kept quiet, waiting for Archer to speak again.

“Let’s find ‘em and get out of here. I can’t stand this slave and master shit,” Archer growled. “This is too much for me to stomach.”

Zintar smiled. “You handled it well in the market, sir.”

“Speaking of which...” Archer turned to him.

Zintar sat down on the bed and emptied the sack. A small PADD was among the fruit. He picked it up and read it.

“We must go to the Hita tomorrow by the second match. There will be a Jit working in the outer circle by the name of Orishna. She will be able to tell us where they are.”

“The ring?”

“Where they fight to the death.”

“We have to go to this ring to find this Jit?”

“We are in a Varlikon city, Captain. You cannot show disapproval or they will--”

“Know. I know. Where did you come up with the reservation and last name, Malcolm?”

“It’s our names translated to Varlikon, sir. And Sista made the reservations from the Diedra before we left.”

“And paid for them? With what?”

“Some Varlikon’s money.”

Archer shook his head, looking out the window at the street below. “I don’t want to know anymore. You two already have me worried.”

“You wanted to do this, sir.”

“I know. I know.”

“I understand, sir,” Zintar said. “The first time I saw all this, I had a hard time with it too.”

Archer looked at Zintar. “Why were you and Navta made with serpent DNA?”

“We were the last kind to be made before the fighting broke out.”

“Yes. But why?”

“They wanted something new to fight in the ring. Something unique and different than the other breeds that would make the fight more interesting.”

“And how did that make your kind unique?”

“Navta and I have teeth here.” Zintar put his fingers on either side of his face. “They have venom sacks behind them like a snake. If they come in contact with skin, and pierce it, venom is injected into the victim. The snake they used was the deadliest on our planet and the venom kills in a few hours.”

“This race is sick,” Archer growled, looking down at the Varlikon’s in the market.

“As Jit, I agree,” Zintar said.

“So what do we do now?” Malcolm asked.

“We wait until tomorrow. Nothing else to do.”

Malcolm sat down on the other bed, looking around. He spotted a monitor on the wall.

“What’s that?”

“Computer, view monitor on,” Zintar said.

“The room has a computer in it?” Malcolm asked.


“Can they listen?”

“Yes. If they had reason to,” Zintar said.

Malcolm and Archer exchanged concerned looks.

Back to Chapter 1
Continue to Chapter 3

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