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"No Borders"
by A. Rhea King

Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don't own them, CBS/Paramount does.
Summary: Cardassians kidnap two Jit and Trip during an attack, forcing Archer and Malcolm to go to the mining colony they're being held at to rescue them. During the rescue Archer discovers Malcolm is thinking of asking Sista to marry him.


Ironic to both men, the Jit fighting ring looked very much like a gladiator ring of ancient Rome. Malcolm glanced at the PADD in his hand and turned to his right, walking along the outside of the ring. Vendors were set up along the walkway selling a variety of goods. Zintar’s hand brushed Malcolm’s arm. He glanced at Zintar. Zintar nodded once. Malcolm looked around and spotted a woman collecting trash.

“Wait here, sir,” Malcolm said to Archer.

Archer and Zintar stopped, standing beside a pillar out of the pedestrian traffic. Malcolm walked over to the woman, looking around as he got closer.

“Orishna,” Malcolm said.

She looked up at him.

“I need to know where you find free things around here,” Malcolm said.

Orishna looked at him as she finished picking up the rest of the trash. She stood and reached in a cart beside her. She handed Malcolm a PADD and a badge.

“It’s not easy to find,” she said. “My brother has been looking for a long time.” Orishna looked Malcolm in the eyes. “And waiting even longer.”

Malcolm slipped the two items under his shirt, nodding slightly to Orishna. He turned and returned to Archer and Zintar.

“Let’s go,” Malcolm said, glancing back over his shoulder.

The three left the ring, entering the crowd of the market. They turned onto a sidewalk that steadily grew less crowded until they were the only once walking down it. Zintar spotted a small space between two buildings, pointing it out to Malcolm and Archer. He stood at the entrance, watching for anyone coming. Malcolm pulled the PADD and badge out and handed them to Archer.

“I can’t read this, Lieutenant,” Archer said, handing it back.

“Sorry, sir.” Malcolm took it back and read what was on the PADD. He frowned, looking at Archer. “The Jit are planning an up rise that is set to begin tonight at dusk. The Jit in public works will attack the mines and launching pads first. The others will subdue as many Varlikon as they can with a wide spread stun burst using the game hunting poles.”

Archer smiled. “Nothing like using their own technology against them.”

“Except we have to be out of here before it hits, sir,” Zintar said.

Malcolm continued, “Trip is being held in a prison in the center of town. We can’t get in until the shift change, which won’t be until twenty minutes before the burst happens. Jokra and Drista are in the mines. We have to be in two places at once. She’s sending three Jit to help at the prison but we’re going to have to figure out how to get to Jokra and Drista on our own.”

“Zintar, you go to the prison,” Archer ordered. “Malcolm and I will go to the mine and figure something out.”

Zintar nodded.

“Don’t get caught,” Archer warned him.

“The same to you, sirs.”

“Here are your instructions.” Malcolm handed him the PADD. “You’ll need this badge.” Malcolm handed Zintar the badge too.

Zintar read the instructions and handed the PADD back. “Good luck,” Zintar said and disappeared around the corner.

Malcolm read the map, “This way, sir.”

The two walked back out into the walkway and headed for the mine.


“Cardassian ships dropping out of warp,” Brila reported.

“How many?” Sista asked.

“Three. Freighters it looks like.”

“Two transports and three freighters and no warships.” Sista stood. “I’m worried.”

“As am I,” T’Pol’s voice replied across Sista’s comlink on her chair’s arm.

“Why is that, sirs?” Brila asked.

“The Cardassians would have detected us coming across their space. They would have sent patrol ships after us,” Sista answered.

“But we’re hiding behind the moon.”

“No matter. They know we’re here somewhere. I just don’t know what they’re waiting for,” Sista said.

“We should end communication and wait,” T’Pol suggested.

“I’d feel better knowing you’re there, T’Pol. We’ll maintain communications silence, but keep a channel open.”


Sista sat back in her chair, closing her eyes. She wondered how the men were doing on the surface.


“It looks like Fort Knox!” Malcolm cried in a whisper. “How are we going to get in there, sir? And once in, how do you propose we get back out with two Jit?”

Below them armed Cardassian and Varlikon guards surrounded a mine entrance. The green poles they’d seen before surrounded the outlying area. Jit and other alien races were working in the area beyond the mine and entering and exiting the mine. Archer looked down at the main gate.

“Pretend to be Jit,” Archer said.

“What?” Malcolm asked.

“Look,” Archer said.

Malcolm looked down at the gate. There was a line outside of the gate and Jit were collecting clothing and blankets before going inside.

“And how do we get back out, sir?” Malcolm asked.

“I don’t know. I’m making this up as we go, Lieutenant,” Archer said.

“Sir, for the record, I recall you having better plans.”

“Noted.” Archer got up and started down the hill toward the line of Jit. Malcolm tossed the PADD in his hand under a shrub and followed.


Archer followed the Jit into the mine carrying the blanket and clothes that had been given to him. Behind them two Cardassians followed, occasionally pushing a straggler to catch up. They were taken into a commons area with bunk beds lined up in rows.

“Get sleep. Tomorrow you join the others and work,” a Cardassian ordered the newcomers.

“We have to find Jokra and Drista,” Archer whispered. “Take one side. I’ll take the other. See if you can find out anything.”

Malcolm moved away from Archer, slowly beginning to mingle with the other Jit. Archer walked toward the other side and struck up a quiet conversation with a man.

“Drista,” a voice said.

Archer turned. An old man with pasty flaps of skin walked toward Archer. He had white hair and light blue eyes.

“Drista?” the man asked.

“Yes. Do you know her?”

The man smiled, laying his hand on Archer’s arm. “You are the Archer?”

Archer didn’t answer him.

“Are you the Nanu? The one the call the Archer?”

Archer hesitated. He decided he’d chance it. “Yes.”

“This way.” The man waved him to follow. “Come. This way.”

Archer caught Malcolm’s attention and waved him to follow. The two followed the limping old man through the commons area into a second commons area. He led them to a group of Jit sitting on the floor playing some sort of game. One of the Jit turned, looking up at them. Archer nodded once to Drista as he sat down beside her. Malcolm took a seat beside Archer.

“Is this he? Is he the Archer?” the man asked Drista excitedly.

“Shh. Shhh Kila. Don’t get the guard’s attention,” Drista said to the man, taking his arm and helping him sit down. “Kila is a friend. He’s worked in these mines all his life,” Drista explained to Archer.

“Where’s Jokra?” Archer asked.

“He’s helping with a delivery in another commons area, sir. A Jit is having triplets.”

“We have to talk,” Archer said.

“Jit are attacking the mines tonight right at dusk, when the guard shift changes,” Drista said. “We agreed to help from the inside, sir.”

“What do you have in mind?”

“I don’t, sir.” Drista frowned. “I have no idea how to help them.

“Is there someplace with fuel? Someplace that would blow up real well?” Malcolm asked.

Drista nodded, smiling. “There is, sir. The engine room.”

“We’re going to need to get to it. We can’t do that with all these guards watching us,” Archer said.

“I’ll figure it out. Wait here, sirs. When it’s time, I’ll come back for you.”

Archer nodded.

Drista got up and quickly disappeared.

“You have brought Vardee Sista?” one of the Jit asked.

“She led us here. Yes,” Archer answered.

“And you fight along side her?”


“You are not Jit or Varlikon. You don’t smell like either.”

“We’re humans.”

Archer looked up when he heard a murmur around them. Jit were watching them and it made him a feel a little nervous.

“Nanu,” Kila said. “Human.”

“You’ve heard about us?” Archer asked.

“We thought you were myth. Months ago a Jit came and said there were humans that helped defeat seven Varlikon ships and the Vulcans and the Klingons aided them. We thought it was a myth. Did that really happen?”

“You...could say that.”

“And were the Varlikons really defeated by humans and Jit too?”

“We fought together.”

A man leaned toward Archer. “We heard that Jit were taken from Klingon space and taken to safety by humans. Some place where Varlikon can’t find them.”

“They were relocated to a planet within our space. As far as we know, the Varlikon haven’t been to our space yet.”

“But the humans let them live with them? They didn’t enslave them?”

“No. We don’t believe in slavery.”

“Good.” Kila patted Archer’s hand. “Humans good.”

“We will fight along side the humans one day and bring down the Varlikon and Cardassians,” another Jit said. “Your kind have come to help us from here...we will fight.”

Archer didn’t comment. He didn’t know what to say. It was obvious that myths were being built up about humans but now was the time to try to dismiss them. They would need all their willingness to fight to get out of the mine.


“Captain Archer.”

Archer woke, looking up at Drista.

“It is time, sir,” Drista whispered. “You must hurry.”

Archer reached around her and shook Malcolm awake.

“Time to go, Lieutenant,” Archer whispered.

Both men got up. Drista handed Malcolm a PADD.

“There are a few Jit distracting the guards so you can sneak out undetected, sirs. This is a current map of the mine. The red line will take you to an engine room where they keep the fuel. Behind a barrel on the left you will find explosives and detonators. The explosives are of an old kind, but they will work. Jit died placing the explosives. Please make sure it happens well, sirs.”

Archer nodded. “Any weapons?”

“No. We couldn’t get them past the scanners. There is a second map to the exit on the PADD. It’s a back way and the guards should be gone once the explosion goes off.”

“Understood. See you on the Enterprise, Drista.” Archer patted her arm.

“Yes. Good luck, sir.”

“Griftlina,” Archer replied.

Malcolm and Archer snuck out of the room past distracted guards and into the mine tunnels.


The sound of approaching feet caused both men to stop. Archer pointed to a group of pipes and the two slipped between them and the wall. A unit of twenty Cardassians marched past them. The two moved out from behind the pipes when they’d passed and started running toward the engine room. Archer stopped at the open doorway and leaned against the wall. He cautiously looked around the corner and then leaned back.

“Two on the right, three on the left, looks like another three working in the back,” Archer whispered.

“Ready when you are, sir,” Malcolm whispered back.

Archer looked around the corner again. He looked back at Malcolm, whispering, “Make a sharp left just inside the door. We can slip behind some machinery.”

Malcolm nodded once. The two men quickly slipped through the door and crept inside. Malcolm spotted a bag under a group of shelves and pointed to it. The two dropped down out of sight behind two barrels and Archer pulled the bag out. He unzipped it and looked up at Malcolm. Malcolm reached in the bag and pulled out a brick of flesh colored substance. Archer looked questionably at Malcolm.

“C-4, sir,” Malcolm whispered.

“C-4?” Archer asked.

“Yes. C-4, sir.”

“Are you sure? I mean it’s...”

“Archaic, sir, but it certainly will blow this room to kingdom come,” Malcolm said, digging two more bricks and detonators out of the bag. Malcolm stopped suddenly, looking at Archer. “We have to place these, sir.”

“ you know how much I don’t know about C-4? Graviton detonators, deep ground proton blasts...but not C-4.”

“You did have take the explosives courses, didn’t you, sir?”

“Yeah, bu--”

“They taught you about detonators, didn’t they, sir?”

“Yes, Mal--”

“This is the detonator, sir.” Malcolm held up the detonator. “Slide these prongs into the block, set it, and run like hell.”

“Run like hell?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Maybe you haven’t noticed yet, Lieutenant, but we’re surrounded!”

“Have you an alternate plan, sir?” Malcolm asked.

Archer started to answer and realized he didn’t have any better plan. So far the one they were using was the best.

“Stick it in, set the timer and run like hell, huh?” Archer asked.

Malcolm nodded.

Archer looked around the barrel. He saw a door that led down a metal hall.

“We can probably get out there, can’t we?” Archer looked back at Malcolm.

Malcolm looked at the pad in his hand, starting to answer. Suddenly an alarm went off. The two men looked up and then at each other.

“Dusk,” they said together.

The room suddenly burst into life, filling with Cardassians and Varlikons.

“So much for that plan,” Malcolm mumbled. He turned and slapped one of the bricks of C-4 on the wall behind him and pushed a detonator into the brick.

“We can’t blow this place up yet, Lieutenant,” Archer said, watching Malcolm put the second brick and detonator on the wall.

“Don’t move,” a voice said.

Archer looked up at a Cardassian standing behind Malcolm holding a phaser on the two of them. Archer slowly raised his hands looking at Malcolm. Malcolm was holding the last brick of C-4 and the last detonator in his hand. He slowly pushed the detonator into the brick of C-4 and entered a time on the detonator.

“Drop what you’re holding, Jit.” The Cardassian ordered, kicking Malcolm in the back.

“If you say so,” Malcolm said, looking up at Archer.

He turned and threw the brick at the Cardassian. The Cardassian, surprised by the movement, caught the brick and dropped his phaser. Malcolm leapt up and shoved the Cardassian out into the room. He turned and crouched down behind the barrels beside Archer. The explosion shook the room and took out one of the consoles across the room. Malcolm handed Archer the phaser and turned to set the other two detonators. Cardassians and Varlikon started shooting in their direction.

“Don’t set ‘em yet.” Archer said.


“I would like to see Porthos again, Lieutenant, and we don’t have a way out of here yet. Don’t set them.”

Malcolm turned, moving closer to Archer to keep out of phaser fire.

“I need a phaser,” Malcolm said.

“Go ask ‘em for one!” Archer snapped. “I’m sure they’re open to polite requests for weapons right now, Lieutenant!”

“No thank you, sir,” Malcolm said moving before he was hit by a phaser shot. “Shall I point out--”

“NO!” Archer snapped.

“Yes, sir.”

Archer moved closer to the barrels and kept shooting. Suddenly shots were being fired on the other side of the barrel. Archer looked around to find Malcolm had a phaser and was shooting back. Archer looked back, staring at the dead Varlikon behind them. He shuddered, not wanting to think how his Lieutenant had killed the man. Archer started returning fire again. Archer’s communicator beeped. Archer moved behind the barrel, opening it.

“Archer here.”

“Captain Archer, reinforcements are approaching. We must leave the system,” Sista said.

“We’re sort of detained right now, Vardee.”

“Sir, Enterprise does not have enough defenses to protect herself.”

“Then protect her for me. We can’t get out of here just yet.”

“Sir, we have to make a run for it,” Malcolm said.

Archer looked at him. “What?”

“There are six left. If we’re going, we need to go now, sir. We can’t wait. And my phaser bank is nearly spent.”

Archer looked at his phaser and frowned. His phaser bank read thirty percent.

“Sista, we’re heading out. Defend my ship and my crew. Contact T’Pol. If neither of you hear from us in another ten minute, get the hell out of here.”

Sista didn’t reply.


“Yes, Jonathan,” Sista replied. “I’ll relay the message.”

Archer shut the communicator. “Two minutes,” Archer told Malcolm.

Malcolm turned and set the detonators. He looked around at Archer.

“Go,” Archer said.

Malcolm pressed the start button and the two made a break for the hallway across the room, firing at anything that moved as they ran. They ran into the tunnel beyond. Their shoes echoed hollow on the metal floor as they ran. Behind them there was a loud explosion that shook the tunnel.

“Down!” Malcolm yelled.

Archer and Malcolm both dropped to the floor as the explosion sent a wave of heat over them. In the midst of it, both men heard the distinct tink-tink of a small piece of metal hitting the metal floor under them. Archer heard Malcolm gasp and looked back. His eyes followed a ring as it came to a stop inches from his face. It looked like it was made out of gold with a center jewel that was even more the bluest sapphire he’d ever seen. Small white diamonds surrounded the jewel and two gold leaves lifted the jewels up from the band. Archer looked back at Malcolm’s horrified expression. Archer grabbed the ring, leapt to his feet, and took off at a run. Malcolm jumped up and followed him. The two rounded a corner, meeting four Cardassians running down the hall in their direction.

“Take cover,” Archer ordered, leaping into a doorway. Malcolm leapt into the doorway beside Archer.

The Cardassians took cover and opened fire.

“Please tell me the ring isn’t stolen,” Archer said to Malcolm, holding up the ring.

“No. I paid for it,” Malcolm said.


The two briefly returned fire down the hall.

“I traded for it,” Malcolm answered.

“Traded what?”

“Do you know that statue I brought on that everyone, including yourself, thought was terribly hideous?”

The two briefly returned fire down the hall.

“Yes,” Archer answered.

“Well, I discovered it was made out of a mineral that is quite valuable on some planet. Back on Station Ten, I sold it for latinum and used the latinum to buy the ring.”

Archer looked at Malcolm. “I’m not going to find a dress and heels in your closet some day, am I Lieutenant?”

“Sir!” Malcolm cried, then opened fire down the hallway. “One down on the left, sir, and no.”

Malcolm and Archer shot down the hall. Archer looked at the ring in his hand before handing it back to Malcolm. Malcolm quickly secured it in a pocket.

Archer quickly returned fire before continuing, “Do you always carry a ring around with you?”

“No. I haven’t had time to return it to my quarters since this all started,” Malcolm said before firing down the hall again. He added as he leaned back into the door. “It’s for her someday.”

Archer looked at Malcolm. “Someday?”


“You’re going to propose to her...” Archer fired down the hall and leaned back. “Someday?”

Malcolm looked unusually stern when Archer glanced at him.

“Someday?” Archer asked.

“This really isn’t the time to discuss this, sir. We have a slightly larger problem.”

“We’re being shot at, Lieutenant. What could be larger?”

“I lost the PADD with the map when the Varlikon attacked me in the engine room, sir. It was destroyed.”

“Do you remember how to get out of here?” Archer asked.

“No, sir.”

“Oh boy,” Archer sighed. “So now we’re lost in a Cardassian mine with people trying to kill us? Am I understanding the situation correctly, Lieutenant?”

“Yes, sir.”

Both men fired down the hall together.

Archer leaned back suddenly. “SOMEDAY? You’re going to give it to her someday?” Archer leaned out and shot down the hall.

Malcolm frowned when Archer looked at him again. “I’ve not decided, sir.”

Archer shot down the hall again. “Clear. Come on.”

The two raced down the hall and turned a corner running out onto a catwalk. Cardassians suddenly appeared at the end of the catwalk. The two turned to find Cardassians advancing from behind.

“Down,” Archer said. He slipped under the catwalk rail and dropped to the floor below. Malcolm followed. The two raced through a maze of machinery under raining phaser fire. They disappeared under a cloud of steam and out of the Cardassian’s sight. The two ran through an abandon processing area until they reached a door and stopped. Archer leaned around the door, checking the hallway. Archer’s communicator beeped and he leaned back in the door before opening it.

“Archer here,” he whispered.

“We’re under attack, Captain, and taking on damage. Where are you?” T’Pol said.

“It’s been over ten minutes, T’Pol. Why are you still here?”

“I am not abandoning my Captain.”

“Must give her merit for loyalty,” Malcolm said.

“We’ll talk about you refusing a direct order later, T’Pol. Can you detect us?” Archer cringed, adding. “And transport us out?”

“No, Captain. You are too far underground,” T’Pol said. “You need to get closer to the surface.”

“I hate the transporter,” Archer muttered, and then spoke in his communicator. “We’ll try to get to the surface. Archer out.”

“I saw a console back there, sir,” Malcolm said. “Maybe we should see if we can get a fix on our location and find a way out.”

Archer nodded. The two ran back to where the console was. Malcolm handed Archer his phaser and began working. Archer glanced at Malcolm before turning his attention to the area around them. It was unnerving how quiet it was.

“When are you going to ask Sista to marry you?” Archer asked. “And don’t say someday.”

“I don’t know, sir. This isn’t something you just do.”

“We’re talking about your relationship, Malcolm.”

Malcolm looked up at Archer, replying tersely. “Hence the word your, sir. and...” Malcolm frowned, jamming his finger on the touch screen. “I’m not as ready as I thought I was.”

Archer smiled. “You’re scared to ask her?”

“I’m not sure I’m ready for it.”

“You’re scared to ask her.”

“She’s an alien.”

“You’re scared to ask her,” Archer insisted.

“I’m scared to ask her.”

For a minute or two the two men were silent. Archer glanced at Malcolm. “Almost got it?”

“I can’t tell. I don’t read Cardassian very well, sir.”

“Do you love her?” Archer asked.

“Madly,” Malcolm answered with a smile. He paused as he pictured Sista’s face in his mind. “But that doesn’t matter if we don’t get out of here.” Malcolm returned to working on the console.

“Does she love you?”

“I feel fairly certain she does.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

Malcolm looked up at Archer and when he spoke, his accent thickened, “Name me a gentleman that isn’t disturbed at the idea of committing his life to one woman. Not to mention an alien one.”

Archer smiled again. “I think you need to look past the alien part and if you love her and you’re ready for the commitment part, you need to ask her.”

“Even if that were gotten past, I don’t want to wait two or three years to marry her,” Malcolm grumbled.

“Why would you wait that long?”

“Until we returned to Earth, sir.”

“What’s wrong with Priest Riley?”

Malcolm looked up at Archer with open surprise. “You would allow that?”

“He’s a priest, Malcolm. Yes I would allow that. There’s just one thing I request, Lieutenant?”

“Yes, sir?”

“Tell me when you’ve asked her before anyone else.”

“Yes, sir,” Malcolm smiled. “I believe I’ve found us a way out.”

Archer turned, looking at the map. “Nothing faster?”

“No, sir. It is a mine, sir.”

Archer nodded, looking around. “Make good mental notes and let’s go home.”

Malcolm took his pistol from Archer and the two headed for the door at a run. Malcolm stopped at the door and looked both ways. He turned right and trotted along the wall. Archer followed him, watching behind them. Several turns later they came to the tunnel leading up. Malcolm looked around the corner. He stepped back suddenly, pushing Archer back against the wall beside him. Cardassians ran past the opening.

“There’s a lot down there, sir,” Malcolm said.

“Define a lot.”

“We’re going to have to shoot to kill if we expect even a chance of getting past them, sir.”

Archer looked down. “I’ll take right. You take left.”

“Yes, sir.”

The two men burst around the corner shooting as they ran for the exit. The Cardassians returned fire, but most were caught by surprise. The men ran out of the opening into a rain of phaser fire. Together they fought past the Cardassians into the Jit lines beyond. The Jit, believing they were Varlikon, began firing on them. The two pressed through the Jit lines into the forest beyond and ran as soon as they were clear.

“Stop,” Archer panted.

Malcolm stopped running and leaned over, putting his hands on his legs as he panted to catch his breath.

Archer pulled his communicator out. “Archer to T’Pol.”

“Yes, Captain.”

“We’re clear. Can you get a fix on us?”

“Yes. But we can only transport one at a time.”

“Lock on to Malcolm and get him out of here first.”

“Sir--” Malcolm started.

“Do it,” Archer ordered.

Malcolm disappeared from the spot he was standing.

“Got Lieutenant Reed, sir,” Trip said. “Give me a minute to reset and get you.”

“Standing by.” Archer closed his communicator, looking around.

He heard a twig snap behind him. Without looking he ducked behind a tree, just as phaser fire opened on him. Archer turned, returning fire on the three Cardassians shooting at him.

“Drop you weapon Jit,” a voice said behind Archer.

Archer slowly turned, staring up at the two Cardassians behind him. Archer’s communicator beeped and the two Cardassians looked at his hand that held the communicator. Archer threw it at the Cardassians and shot, hitting one of the Cardassian’s in the chest. The second one, realizing the communicator was harmless, shot at Archer before taking cover behind a tree. Archer fell back against the tree and transported away from the spot.

Back to Chapter 2
Continue to Chapter 4

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