Index Star Trek: Enterprise Star Trek: The Original Series Star Trek: The Next Generation Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Star Trek: Voyager Original Work

by A. Rhea King

Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don't own them, CBS/Paramount does.
Summary: A crash leaves Archer mortally wounded and suffering from amnesia, and in the care of a strange race. Surrounded by a culture and experiences he would normally find intriguing, he struggles with eminent death and the desperation of remembering who he is.


T’Pol wasn’t aware she’d been staring at the same screen for an hour. In the last two days since Archer’s return, her sorrow had been unruly and controlling at times.

“T’Pol,” Hoshi said.

T’Pol turned her head. Hoshi was sitting at the COM station with her back to T’Pol.


“The engineering team just reported in. They’ll be returning in the hour.”

T’Pol looked away. “Mister Mayweather.”

“Yes, ma’am?” he answered with an emotionless tone.

“Have you plotted a course back to Earth?”


“As soon as they’re aboard we’ll depart at warp three.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Hoshi heaved a depressed sigh. She pushed her earpiece in her ear and tapped the controls.

“Enterprise. Go ahead,” she said. She turned her chair, her brow furrowing. “Right away, Lieutenant Reed.” Hoshi looked at T’Pol. “Lieutenant Reed said that there’s a Zian wishing to speak to you in private.”

T’Pol stood. “I will take it in the Captain’s ready room.”

T’Pol crossed the bridge to the ready room. She sat down at the desk and tapped the companel.

“I am T’Pol. Go ahead.”

“We have not greeted. I am Priam,” the Zian told her.

“How may I assist you?”

“I have spent these sunrises talking to our council to ask that they give exception to a rule of ours. We have the means to undo Archer’s harm and make him right again, but the rule prohibits it for harms caused naturally. I proved to the council that this was not a natural harm and they have granted me approval to help Archer, but we must come to where he is to do so. May we come to him?”

“And what do you want in exchange for it?”

“Just to know that he lives is all I request as exchange.”

T’Pol was silent for several moments. “Give me a few minutes to let our physician know you are coming.”

“We will do so.”

T’Pol tapped the companel and left the ready room.


Five Zian -- Priam, Saphrus, the female Zian and the two Gardners -- stood around Archer, humming in low tones. Saphrus stood at the head of the bio-bed with his hands resting on either side of Archer’s head. The other four had one hand on Archer’s body and another hand held over him with their fingertips touching. Trip and Phlox expressed open anticipation and hope, while T’Pol kept her hope hidden behind an expressionless mask.

The humming stopped suddenly and all but Priam took their hands off Archer. Phlox and Trip moved closer, watching Saphrus pull the bandage off Archer’s head to reveal healed skin. Saphrus looked at Phlox and bowed his head to the doctor.

“He will open his sights in two sunrises. There will still be swelling of his thought, but do not attempt to aid it. Our medicine will finish healing him. Only work at keeping his pain ceased.”

“I will,” Phlox promised.

And then all the Zian but Priam vanished. Priam picked up Archer’s hand, holding it. He closed his eyes, kissed Archer’s lips and vanished.

Trip looked at Phlox. He smiled and turned away to retrieve a scanner. Trip looked at T’Pol.

“He jus’...jus’...”

“We were here. We saw,” T’Pol said. She left Sickbay.

Trip was too flabbergasted to make any further comment.


Priam carefully transplanted Apricot underlings into hanging pots. He talked quietly to them as he worked, assuring each of them of their good fate. He stopped every so often to pat Charles who was as listless as he had been the day Archer had arrived.

“It will all be well, Charles. You will see,” Priam told the plant.

“And Priam never breaks his promises, Charles,” Archer’s voice said behind Priam.

Priam turned, finding Archer and Saphrus standing behind him. Archer held a tin in one hand. He looked like he’d never had a near-death experience.

“JONATHAN!” Priam cried, grinning.

“I will wait at the entrance,” Saphrus told Archer and disappeared.

“Saphrus told me Zian’s evolution developed the ability to travel on another plane hundreds of years ago.”

“I would not know. My learned art is plants.”

Archer walked over to Charles. The plant perked up, wrapping its vines around Archer’s free hand and arm.

“Poor Charles,” Archer said to him. “You had no idea what was happening, did you?”

“He still does not talk.”

Archer nodded. He held the tin out to Priam.

“This is for you. Chocolate covered raspberries.”

Priam took the tin and opened it. Priam plucked one of the raspberries from the tin and put it in his mouth. His eyes lit up.

“These are exquisite!”

Archer chuckled.

“I see why they are your favorite.”

Priam closed the tin and sat it aside. An awkward silence fell between them.

“Priam...” Archer waited for Priam to look at him. “I was told you kissed me. Why did you do that?”


Archer tapped his lips. “You put yours to mine. Why?”

Priam held his gaze. “From the first day I sighted you I thought you were very beautiful. I want very much to be your mate. I don’t care if we are not the same beings, I feel love for you anyway.”

“Even after I told you I only mated with females?”

“I’d hoped you would change your thought afterwards.”

“Priam, that isn’t how it works with my kind.”

“Then tell me what I must do to change your thought. I do not wish you to journey away. I wish you to stay here and allow me to love you.”

Archer shook his head. “It doesn’t work that way, Priam. I understand what you’re talking to me, but I cannot return your love and I cannot be your mate.”

Priam looked away. His face tensed. He turned to walk away. Archer reached out, touching his arm.

“Priam, please do not move away. Let me finish what I talk.”

Priam stopped. Archer stepped around Priam. The Zian looked up at him. Archer lifted Priam’s arm and held Priam’s forearm in his other hand. He curled Priam’s hand around his forearm, grasping the Zian’s arm in a firm, gentle grip.

“I owe you my life, Priam,” Archer continued, “but I can’t be your mate because it is not my way. I don’t hold this difference against you. And I regard you as my friend. Never hesitate to call me if you ever need.”

“What is friend?”

“Someone who shares interests, who you can talk to, you look out for each other.”

Priam smiled. “I will always be your friend.”

Archer let his arm go. “I have to go. Thank you again.”

Priam nodded.

Archer started up the path toward the door. Charles stretched his vines in Archer’s direction. Priam watched the Apricot for a moment and then his eyes suddenly lit up.

“I am in need now, Jonathan.”

Archer turned back. “What?”

“I talk to you to take Charles.” Priam motioned at the Apricot. “Help each other stay right.”

“Priam, I can’t hear his talk like you can.”

“Charles has affection for you, much like this friend you talk of. For the first time he talks. He wishes to journey away with you. Do not harm him by refusing.”

Archer looked at the Apricot, smiling when it waved several vines at him. He returned to the plant and ran his hand down the now plump and healthy vines. Small flowers were starting to blossom on them. Archer lifted the pot off its hook.

“I’ll take good care of him,” Archer promised.

“I believe this.”

Archer turned and started back up the walk. Charles stretched his vines around Archer, waving at Priam and the other Apricots.

Priam laughed, hearing Charles cry, “I’M GOING HOME! MY BEING IS TAKING ME HOME!”

Back to Chapter 3

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