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"Remembering Sunshine"
by A. Rhea King

Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don't own the, CBS/Paramount does.
Summary: After being shot down in a jungle, Archer and Trip must rely on two Jit they barely know to survive.


Archer watched Likos gently lift Trip’s head and pour water from a canteen into Trip’s mouth. Trip swallowed a couple times and Likos pulled it away.

“Hurting again?” Likos asked Trip.

Trip nodded a little.

Likos reached into the med kit beside him and put a vile into a hypospray. He changed the settings on the hypospray and pressed it to Trip’s neck.

“That should help,” Likos patted Trip’s shoulder. Likos quickly put items back in the med kit and stood. He turned to Archer. “Drista should be back soon. I’m going to make sure we’re still headed in the right direction,” Likos pointed up to indicate he intended to climb above the canopy to get a bearing on their direction.

Archer nodded. Likos walked over to a tree and pulled off his shoes and socks. He jumped up, grabbed the tree trunk and quickly disappeared into the foliage above.

“Like a monkey,” Archer heard Trip say.

Archer looked down at Trip and forced a smile for his friend’s sake. Trip was pallid and sweating from pain, fever and the humid heat of the rainforest. Likos had been at his side when Archer woke up that morning and hadn’t left Trip once. He kept making them stopped more frequently now that Trip was conscious so he could administer shots of painkiller and give him drinks of water. Archer was used to Likos being serious, but today there was something in the seriousness that told Archer that Trip was dying and time was of the essence if they were going to prevent it.

“Just like one,” Archer crouched down beside Trip. “Hang in there.”

“I’m trying.”

Archer patted Trip’s arm.

“I sorta have’ta,” Trip smiled. “T’Pol might cry and that wouldn’t be very Vulcan like. She told me once that she had an uncle that lost control of his emotions. She said he reminded her of a human after that. The family asked him to go to a deep space science station so he wouldn’t shame the family any more. Isn’t that terrible?”

“There’s a lot about Vulcans that’s terrible. But not everything. Look at T’Pol.”

Trip smiled. “I do every day.”

Archer laughed quietly. He looked up when he heard branches above them rustle and watched Likos climb down the tree. He dropped the last two meters and sat down to put his shoes on.

“We lost?” Trip asked him.

“Not quite,” Likos smiled at him.

“You wouldn’t tell us if we were, would you?” Trip asked.

“How’d you guess, Commander?”

“Ah. See, Cap’n. You gotta watch this ‘un. When he was in engineering he’d tell me one thing and do another all the time. I had to tell him he was wrong a lot.”

“Yes. But then what happened, Commander?” Likos asked Trip.

Trip grinned. “He was right. I was wrong.”

Archer laughed.

Behind Archer brush rustled. Archer spun to his feet, ignoring his side hurting and aiming his phaser at who or whatever was approaching. Drista stepped into the clearing, staring at the phaser aimed at her. Archer lowered his phaser, letting out a quiet breath.

“Trail’s covered,” Drista informed them. “There are rebels approaching from the rear. We need to get moving.”

“Oh boy! Free ride,” Trip joked. “I wanna ride the roller coaster again, though. This one’s kinda slow.”

“Keep thinking like that and you’ll be pulling double shifts when we get back, Commander,” Archer teased.

Trip smiled at him. “Aye, aye, Cap’n Cracker Jack.”

Likos hopped up and quickly slipped into the harness of the travois. He pointed in the direction of the perimeter fence. Drista took point and the three started walking again.

“Hi-ho Silver, away!” Trip joked.

Archer glanced back, but he didn’t smile. Trip couldn’t see him now and now he let his concern show. He wondered if Trip knew how severely injured he was or if this was just his usual optimistic mask he wore in times of danger.


“Stop,” Likos said to Drista and Archer.

The two stopped and turned. Likos was using a tree to brace himself from falling over and panting heavy. His shirt was soaked in sweat and sweat dripped off his face. Archer handed Drista his phaser and walked back to Likos. He glanced down at Trip as he came near.

“When’d he lose consciousness?” Archer asked.

“I dunno. A few hours ago I think,” Likos panted. He leaned back against the tree, looking up at the tree canopy above him.

“Rest for a little bit,” Archer said. “We all could use a short one.”

Likos pulled the harness off and turned to lower the travois to the ground. Archer grabbed the travois and helped Likos. Likos sat down hard on the ground, putting his face in his hands. He wiped sweat from his eyes before leaning back against the tree. Drista knelt beside him pulling a canteen of water out of the bag she was carrying and handing it to Likos.

“Griftlina,” Likos said to her.

She smiled, watching him drink a couple swallows of water.

“Why don’t I pull for a while?” Drista suggested.

“No. You can’t,” Likos said.

“Likos, you’re tired. I can do it.”

“No,” Likos shook his head. “You can’t.”

“Likos let her pull it,” Archer said.

“She can’t.”

Archer sat down. “I saw you give her an injection this morning and the last time we stopped. What’s wrong with her?”

The two didn’t answer. Drista looked away from Archer. Likos looked at the ground so he wouldn’t have to look at Archer.

“Drista?” Archer paused for her to answer. “Likos?” Likos didn’t reply. “What is wrong with Drista, Likos?”

Likos reached out, touching Drista’s arm. She looked at him for a long time before she slowly nodded once. Likos looked at Archer.

“Drista miscarried last night. The injections were for pain.”

“Misca..” Archer looked down. “You were pregnant?”

“Yes,” Drista answered.

Archer looked at her. “I’m sorry, Drista.”

Drista shrugged a little. “It will all be well. We’ll have another.”

Archer was surprised by the strength in her words.

“We should go, sir,” Likos said, standing up. He handed the canteen to Drista who capped it and put it back in the bag.

Archer grabbed the harness before Likos could and pulled it on.

“Sir, what are you doing?” Likos asked.

“I’ll pull it for awhile,” Archer told him.

“You’re ribs are hurt. You can’t pull it,” Likos said, holding his hand out for the harness.

“And you’re about to drop from exhaustion,” Archer looked at Likos. “Start walking, Likos. That’s an order.”

Likos frowned at Archer. He turned and held out his hand for the phaser Archer had handed to Drista. She gave it to him and the two turned to start walking. Archer leaned forward, taking one step. Pain took his breath away as soon as the harness applied pressure on his injured ribs. He opened his eyes, finding both Jit watching him. Archer hid his pained expression, even though his little voice was reminding him the two could feel his pain.

“Keep walking,” Archer ordered.

Likos slowly turned around, nodding once to Drista. She turned and started walking again.


Archer stopped and stood still. His ribs hurt to the point that each breath raked pain across his chest and abdomen. Archer backed up until the travois was lying on the ground behind him. He sank to his knees, laying his hand lightly on his side.

“Stop,” Archer croaked. He tried to clear his throat, but it made him gasp for air and flare the pain. “Stop,” Archer whispered, more to his pain than to the Jit.

Archer coughed and spit the mucus that came up with the cough. He wiped spittle from the corner of his mouth and placed his hand back over his side.

“Sir,” Likos said, kneeling by Archer’s side.

“Just need rest,” Archer said, pushing Likos’ hands away when the Jit took his arm.

“You’re coughing up blood, sir,” Likos grabbed Archer’s hand, showing him his hand. “Your injury is worse.”

Archer looked down at the bright red blood smeared across the back of his hand. He closed his eyes as he tried to take a deep breath. The breath came in shuddering gasps

“You can’t pull this anymore. We’re not that far. I’ll pull it now,” Likos said.

Archer closed his eyes. His ribs hurt so bad that it was hard to breathe.

“Drista, I need the med kit,” Likos said. “Here, sir, sit down,” Likos’ hands gently guided Archer to sit down on the ground. “I need to look at your side, sir.”

Archer reached up and unzipped his uniform. He let Likos help him pull the top off and pull his shirt up. Archer gasped when Likos touched his ribs.

“If they weren’t broken before they are now. Probably punctured your lung,” Likos told Archer. “Drista, see if there’s some kind of tape in the bag. The bandage tape isn’t wide enough.”

“For what?” Archer asked.

“I’ll tape your ribs. That will help with some of the pain,” Likos slid Archer’s shirt back down.

Archer looked at Likos. He was loading a hypospray with a vial. Likos held it up to Archer’s neck and injected him with what was in the vial. Archer felt the pain in his ribs numb enough so he could breath more freely.

“Here,” Drista said.

Likos turned and took the roll of duct tape from her. Archer watched him start a strip and then he knelt on one knee beside Archer. He pressed the tape against Archer’s back and wrapped it around Archer four times. Archer grimaced each time the tape tightened on his ribs or Likos had to touch them. Likos tore the tape and tossed the roll back to Drista.

“Why don’t we cut off your top, sir? It will help keep you cool. That tape is going to hold in your body heat.”

Archer nodded.

Likos turned and held out his hand. Drista pulled a knife out of the bag and handed it to Likos. Likos unsheathed it and cut off the top of Archer’s uniform. Likos tossed the top to Drista, sheathed the knife and tossed it to her too.

“Okay,” Likos stood and grabbed Archer under his arms. “Let me help you stand. Put your weight on my hands and it won’t hurt quite so bad to stand. Go slow.”

Archer did as he was told and slowly got to his feet. He leaned a hand against a tree, steadying himself. Likos picked up the harness and slipped into it.

“Carry this, sir,” Likos said.

Archer looked down and took the phaser Likos was handing him. The three started walking again but the going was slow with Archer’s injury.


Archer stopped at the top of the hill and stared at the fence at the bottom of the hill. For a minute it didn’t register that he was staring at the Rewtark perimeter fence. Archer looked back, watching Drista and Likos pulling the travois up the hill together. He waited for them to reach the top before saying anything.

“The fence,” Archer motioned to it with his phaser.

Drista and Likos stared at the fence, panting to catch their breath.

“Yea. We’re almost home again,” Drista said.

A smile twitched Archer’s lips. He closed his eyes for a minute, laying his free hand on his ribs. He had been coughing up more blood and his side was throbbing with pain. Sometimes Archer could kick himself for insisting on pulling the travois.

“There are rebels down there,” Drista said.

Likos and Archer both looked at her. She was standing at the edge of the hill, staring into the forest between them and the fence.

“Are you sure?” Archer asked.

Drista nodded, looking back at him. “It’s going to be near impossible penetrating the line too. I’ve counted at least a hundred. And those are the ones I can see, that aren’t covered well.”

Archer closed his eyes. He almost didn’t care about rebels or chancellors or missions or Starfleet or his ship. He just wanted to lie down right here and sleep until he woke up dead or alive. Archer looked up when a hand touched his. Drista was watching him with a concerned look. Archer offered a quarter smile.

“But I do care about things so I’m not going to give up hope and lay down and die,” Archer told her. “I’m just tired. I’m sorry.”

Drista smiled. “So are we, Captain Archer. I could get to the gate undetected, sir. Why don’t I go ahead and get help?”

“Let’s get a little closer.”

“I like her idea better, Jon.”

The three turned, looking at Trip. He rolled his head to the side, looking up at Archer.

“I want to get us as close as we can,” Archer explained to him.

“She can’t see all the rebels, Jon. She just said that. How do you know some aren’t hiding further down? Maybe they know we’re coming and they’re settin’ up an ambush.”

Archer looked down the hill. “A little closer.”

“Her plan is better, Jon,” Trip let out a soft grunt of pain.

Archer looked down. He shifted his weight and grimaced when his ribs flared. He looked at Drista.

“Be quick,” Archer told her.

Drista nodded and disappeared from his sight. Archer looked back at the fence, waiting anxiously. Archer felt a hand touch his arm and looked around. Likos was watching the forest with concern.

“What is it?”

“I hear others around us,” Likos said.

Archer turned his attention to the forest. He tightened his grip on the phaser in his hand, waiting. Suddenly the constant chorus of birds became silent. The attack was so fast that at first Archer had no idea what was happening. Phaser fire came from several directions and once and Archer crouched to miss being hit. He returned fire, moving toward Trip. The forest was alive with rebels coming from all directions. Archer crouched down beside Trip, firing at a Rewtark coming in his direction. Together Archer and Likos protected Trip from the rebels. Rewtark guards ran out of the forest, firing on the rebels.

“CAPTAIN,” Archer heard Drista yell.

Archer turned in time to see Drista jump in front of him to block a rebel from shooting him. The phaser beam hit Drista and she fall back against Archer and they both crashed to the ground. Archer yelled in pain when her weight crushed his ribs. The world started to spin and he couldn’t catch his breath. Archer turned to reach for the phaser he’d dropped when he’d hit the ground. Stretching his arm for it made his ribs hurt again and he let out a soft cry. Archer saw Trip’s hand snake out and grab the phaser. Trip lifted the phaser and continued firing. Around them phaser fire began to fade away and at first Archer thought he was falling unconscious.

“Captain,” a voice said.

Archer turned his head, finding Likos kneeling beside him with two Rewtark guards standing guard behind him. Likos slid Archer’s arm around his neck and helped him to his feet. Archer gasped at the pain it caused, trying not to panic when he couldn’t breathe in a full breath.

“A transport is nearby. Can you walk?” Likos said.

“I can’t breathe,” Archer whispered.

“Slow, shallow breathes. I’ll start you on oxygen as soon as we get to the transport.”

Archer closed his eyes, letting Likos help him to his feet. He started to pull his arm away but Likos pulled it around his shoulders.

“Lean on me. I don’t want you falling again,” Likos commanded.

Archer didn’t pull away this time. Likos started walking and Archer let him lead.

“Here. Step up.”

Archer opened his eyes, finding he was standing in front of the transport. He momentarily wondered if he hadn’t passed out along the way. Likos guided him inside and laid him down on a bench. Archer closed his eyes, listening to Likos began to give orders to Rewtark guards. It was unfamiliar to hear the boy take charge of the situation like he was now, but Archer chalked it up to him being a very good doctor when the situation demanded him to be.

“Lay him down here and put her here,” Likos ordered.

“We have Enterprise, sir,” someone said.

“Hurry and get us to the hospital. This one has lost a lot of blood and the Captain has a punctured lung.”

Archer felt someone slide a mask over his face and felt cool oxygen fill his lungs, relieving the feeling he was asphyxiating.

“Enterprise, this is Likos,” Archer heard Likos say.

Where are you?” T’Pol’s voice asked.

“We’re outside the perimeter fence right now. They’re taking us to a military hospital ten kilometers from here.”

I need to speak with the Captain.”

“He’s injured, Sub-Commander. He’s barely conscious right now. I need you to relay a message to Doctor Phlox. I need him to transport to the hospital immediately and bring twelve liters of AB blood. Trip needs an emergency transfusion. If we don’t have twelve liters, then send crewmen Walters, Cutler, Hess and Talbot. They have AB blood. Tell him to have the hospital prepare two surgery rooms and be prepared to begin when we arrive.”

“Tell T’Pol to come too,” Archer whispered.

“Sir?” Likos said, his voice coming nearer with the question. “Are you conscious?”

Archer opened his eyes, looking up at Likos. Likos pulled the mask down, “Sir?”

You’re message has been relayed and he’ll be down immediately. Is there anything else?” T’Pol asked.

Archer looked up at Likos. “She needs to come. Trip needs her. Make up something,” Archer whispered.

Likos smiled, holding a communicator up to his mouth. “Captain Archer requested your presence as well, Sub-Commander. If there are any diplomatic issues that arise from this, he’d like you to act as liaison until he’s recovered.”

I understand.”

“Likos out,” Likos handed the communicator to someone outside of Archer’s vision. Likos looked at Archer. “Did that suffice, sir?”


Likos turned to move away.

“How’s Drista?”

“She is injured, but you need not worry about her. Relax, Captain.”

Archer nodded, closing his eyes and drifting to sleep.


Archer swallowed, rolling his head to the side. He heard someone whisper, but he couldn’t make out the words. Archer opened his eyes, finding a large window in his line of sight. Beyond it was a military base and the rainforest was further beyond that. Sunlight streamed through the window onto his hand. Archer turned his hand over so the light was warming his palm, remembering Trip telling him about his own private sunshine.

“How are you?”

Archer turned his head, finding Doctor Phlox standing beside him. Archer smiled, glad to see him.

“Tired. My side hurts.”

“You’ve had quite the ordeal from my understanding.”

“Lucky we didn’t all end up dead,” Archer’s smile faded. “How’s Trip?”

“Likos took Commander Tucker back into surgery a few hours ago. We’re having some problems with hemorrhaging. We’ll know more in forty-eight hours.”

Archer nodded. “Drista? How is she?”

Doctor Phlox nodded. “Her injuries weren’t nearly as extensive as you or Commander Tucker’s. She will be okay. There is someone outside that has asked me countless times if she can see you. Are you up to a guest?”

Archer smiled. “Let Navta in.”

Doctor Phlox walked around the curtain and the door opened. Navta raced in and climbed up on the chair next to Archer’s bed. She leaned over and hugged him around the neck.

“K’pan,” Navta crooned. She crouched down on the chair so she was closer to his eye level. “How are you?”

“I’ll be fine. Where’s Mr. Jiggles?”

“Oh. I had to leave him on Enterprise. Doctor Phlox said he wouldn’t like it down here.”

“Probably not.”

Navta hugged him again. “I’m glad you’re okay, K’pan.”

“Me too, half-pint. Me too.” Archer smiled, patting her arm. “Tell me all the things I missed while I was gone.”

Navta laughed. She sat down in the chair and began telling him everything that had happened on Enterprise in his absence.


T’Pol walked up to the door and hesitated. She reached out, pushed the door open and stepped through. T’Pol slid the door close behind her and walked to the curtain. She pushed it back, stopping on the other side. For a moment T’Pol stared at Trip. Monitors for various reasons were connected to him and an air tube was hissing quietly as it fed him oxygen. T’Pol walked up to the bed and laid her hand on Trip’s, her fingers sliding across his palm. Trip opened his eyes. He gently squeezed her hand and she tightened her grip, holding on tight to his hand to offer him support as well as release her relief that he was alive and recovering.

“I love you,” Trip whispered. “I need some sunshine. Do you have any?”

T’Pol offered him a smile that lit up the room.

Back to Chapter 2

This series continues in Innocent Evil

The next Tweens story is Fiction Wins

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