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"May the Wind Be at Our Backs"
by Lady Rainbow

Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Don’t own ‘em, don’t make money off ‘em.
Notes: Technically, this is the third story in the “Switcheroo Series” (after “Captain Sato’s Enterprise” and “Whips, Chains and Plomeek Soup”), but this tells the very first mission of Captain Sato’s Enterprise, before the events of the other two stories. The series presumes that Humans and Klingons haven’t met yet at the time of the First Mission, so it’s not like “Broken Bow”.

The Vulcans are different from the canon universe. They have their own agenda.

The Enterprise leaves Spacedock and heads to Vulcan. Pairings: R/S, TnT (in this chapter, a little Hayes/Sato)

Thanks, Pesterfield, for beta/grammar/spellcheck duties:)


The Enterprise bridge was a hive of activity. Voices floated from multiple comm circuits as people checked, double-checked and triple-checked procedures. Commander Travis Mayweather sat in the center seat and listened to it all:

“Weapons systems check: hull polarization.” “Normal.” “Armory Status?” “Code Yellow.”

“...I’m still waiting on those last batches of gelpacks. We need everything accounted for...I don’t want to hand over an unprepared Sickbay to Doctor Reed. Yes, this is Lieutenant Cutler again. Cargo Bay Two? Why didn’t anyone tell me? I’m on my way down.”

“Sorry, but those UT modules are going to have to be installed in-transit. I think Lieutenant Archer has a few modifications he wants to do on his own...”

“Energy flow to the impulse engines are on stand-by. It appears to be working as the schematics showed. As soon as we clear the Sol system, there are a few upgrades I want to implement...”

Travis chuckled at Chief Engineer Phlox’s last remark. He could imagine the groans of his Engineering crew. They’d spent the better part of a week going over every connection and circuit to the impulse engines. Phlox enjoyed “implementing” his new ideas; sometimes they worked, sometimes they didn’t. It seemed the Denobulan channeled his enthusiasm into improvements even before the original system tested green. He glanced over his shoulder at Lieutenant Commander Trip Tucker. The new Armory Officer went down his list with efficiency, checking with his team in the Armory. Tucker caught Travis’s scrutiny and gave the First Officer a quirky grin. Although he’d only been on board for a day and a half, he’d thrown himself into his new duties with almost reckless abandon.

“All set, Lieutenant Commander?” Travis asked him.

“All set, Commander Mayweather,” Trip answered and gave Travis a thumbs-up. Travis returned it just as the lift doors behind him hissed open. The entire Bridge crew paused and snapped to attention as Captain Sato walked out of the lift, followed by Lieutenant Archer. Travis swiveled around in his chair and stood up.

“Cap’n on the bridge,” announced Trip.

“At ease, people,” Hoshi said. “Let’s get this show on the road, shall we?”

“Yes, ma’am!” came the excited response from all sides. Jonathan and Trip exchanged huge grins; Travis had heard the two knew each other before this assignment and there was already a warm rapport between the two. Jonathan Archer was taller than Travis was and at least ten years older. He wondered how Hoshi had convinced him to join the crew at such short notice.

“Everyone, I’d like to introduce our new Communications Officer, Lieutenant Jonathan Archer.” Hoshi glanced sideways at Jon, who nodded in response. “Lieutenant Archer, man your station, please.”

“Yes, Captain,” Jon said and strode across the bridge to the comm station. The crewman there slid out of the seat. He was about to leave when Jon motioned for him to stay. “I might need your assistance, Crewman. Please stay.”

The crewman had a surprised expression, but he replied, “Yes, sir.”

Hoshi eased into the command chair as Travis assumed the science station on the upper deck. She glanced at the chronometer; it showed 0:10. Ten minutes until launch.

“All departments, final check,” she said. “Sciences?”

“On station,” Travis answered.


“All ready here.” That came from Trip.


“Ready, Captain,” replied Chief Engineer Phlox through the comm.


Ensign Dougherty, the Beta shift helmsman, nodded in response. “Ready, ma’am.”


“All ready,” Jon replied.


The voice of Lieutenant Elizabeth Cutler echoed on the speaker. “We’re ready as we’ll be, Captain.”

Hoshi went down the rest of the list and every station reported their status. At the end, she nodded at Jon to open the channel to Spacedock. “Spacedock, this is Enterprise. Ship’s status ready.”

The tinny voice answered, “Enterprise, Spacedock acknowledges. Status green for launch, repeat status green. All’s a go.”

Hoshi took a deep breath and exchanged looks with all of her bridge crew. She looked at Travis, who smiled in reassurance. There was a look of excitement in her eyes that belied the confidence in her face, mixed with eagerness and fear. He knew he had the same expression on his own face.

“May the wind be at our backs, ladies and gentlemen,” Hoshi said. She nodded once, then said, “Controller, permission to leave Spacedock.”

“Permission granted, Enterprise. Good luck, Captain Sato.”

“Thank you, Spacedock Control. Enterprise, out.” Hoshi nodded at the helmsman. “Take us out, Ensign Dougherty.”

Dougherty grinned and answered, “Yes, ma’am.”

Cheers and applause thundered over Spacedock as Enterprise sailed clear of Spacedock. Construction workers in EVA suits waved as the starship went by them. In the observation room, Admiral Max Forrest clapped his hands in grateful relief. Hoshi Sato had achieved the impossible and had convinced Jonathan Archer to sign on as her communications officer. He glanced at Ambassador Soval. The Vulcan’s face was as impassive as ever. Forrest wondered how Soval was feeling after losing such a talented diplomat to Starfleet. Soval had insisted on attending the launch ceremony; in fact, he had brought Vulcan’s respects and congratulations. Forrest suspected that he was proud of Archer’s appointment, but of course, Soval would never admit it aloud.

The admiral drew his attention to the man who stood alone at the viewport with his hand on the cold duraglass. Captain Matthew Hayes gazed out as the Enterprise pulled away from Spacedock and Earth. Forrest sighed inwardly. Hayes was a good man and a good commanding officer, but he had one weakness and that was Hoshi Sato. Forrest was glad the two were on different ships, for Hayes had to learn to let her go.

If anything ever happens to her, it would tear him apart, Forrest thought, not unkindly. And if Hoshi ever found anyone else to love, he would be devastated. Good that she’s apart from him for a while. They need that separation. If it’s meant to be, it’ll happen. If not, better he finds out now than later.

Forrest thought he heard Hayes whisper, “Fair journey, Hoshi.”

Enterprise headed towards Vulcan at a steady Warp 2. Hoshi called a meeting of all available senior staff in her Ready Room. She greeted each person as they entered the Ready Room: Travis, Trip, Jon and Phlox. Lieutenant Liz Cutler filled in for Doctor Malcolm Reed and Ensign D’Agostino for Ensign T’Pol, since both Reed and T’Pol were still on Vulcan.

“Our original mission was to join both Columbia and the Vulcan High Command’s ships for joint training maneuvers in the Epsilon Eridani system. With the mix-up in crew rosters, it means that Columbia will be significantly delayed because Captain Hayes needs to divert to Altair to pick up his remaining crew. Our new orders are to escort a Vulcan archaeological team to the Beta Polaris system. Doctor T’Marui will be heading that mission, but she has requested Commander Mayweather’s assistance.”

Travis glanced at her in surprise. “Doctor T’Marui is one of their leading archaeologists, Captain. I’m a little surprised she would ask for our help.”

“I don’t know all the details, but apparently Beta Polaris might be the site of one of their earliest colonies. The Vulcan Science Academy recently received permission to excavate several sites there.” Hoshi grinned at Jon. “If their estimates are correct, we might be dealing with a language that’s even older than Old High Vulcan.”

Phlox’s smile was wide, even for a Denobulan. “Just say the word, Captain, and Enterprise will take you wherever you need to go.”

“Thank you, Commander Phlox.” She nodded at Trip. “Security’s a priority, since Beta Polaris is close to our current border. We don’t know what lies beyond that system..yet. The Security Ministry wants to coordinate with you, Lieutenant Commander Tucker.”

“Sure. Just one thing, Cap’n. Why are the Vulcans so eager to cooperate with us?” Trip’s voice held only curiosity, no anger. “I don’t ever recall ‘em wantin’ Starfleet so close to one of their projects.”

“Let’s just say they want to show a spirit of cooperation,” Hoshi replied. “I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, Trip.” A sharp whine interrupted her and she pressed the communications button. “Sato.”

“Incoming message for you, Captain,” replied Ensign Murdo, Jon’s second-in-command. “It’s from Shi’Kahr, Vulcan. Priority One from Doctor T’Les.”

Travis exchanged frowns with Trip. Doctor T’Les was the head of the Science Academy, so the message was probably about their upcoming mission. Are they gonna change our mission parameters again, Travis wondered. This is getting old.

“I’ll take it in here, Ensign Murdo.” Hoshi glanced around the table one last time. “We’re due to arrive at Vulcan in two days and I want us to be prepared for anything. Coordinate shifts within your departments and if there’s any change in our mission, I’ll let you all know. Dismissed. Commander Mayweather, please stay.”

The Ready Room was quickly empty as the others hurried to their stations. Travis glanced at Hoshi as she accepted the call. The face of Doctor T’Les appeared on the screen. She gazed at Hoshi, then at Travis.

“Captain Sato and Commander Mayweather, I presume?” T’Les asked without any introduction.

Hoshi bowed her head. “Yes, Doctor T’Les. How may we help you?”

T’Les’s face showed no emotion, but her eyes scrutinized Hoshi carefully. “There have been some...developments in our situation,” she said. “Will it be possible for you to come any sooner than two days?”

Travis frowned. “If we increase speed to warp four point five, we can reach Vulcan in about a day, but we haven’t been that fast before, even in the simulations.”

“Well, there’s a first time for everything, Commander,” Hoshi replied. She turned back to the screen and said, “We’ll do our best to get there as soon as possible. May I ask what the problem is?”

T’Les shook her head and the cold look in her eyes deepened. Hoshi had the impression that T'Les's anger wasn't directed at her, but at someone else. Then Hoshi remembered: T'Les was the mother of her new helmswoman, Ensign T'Pol. Had something happened to her daughter?

“It is rather complicated to explain, Captain. I would rather meet you in person and discuss it then.”

“Understood. We’ll talk when we arrive.”

“Live long and prosper, Captain. Commander.” And with that, T’Les’s image vanished.

Hoshi and Travis gazed at each other. “The plot thickens,” Travis mused.

“I only hope we find out what’s going on,” Hoshi murmured, “that has T’Les so worried.”

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Continue to Part 5

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