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"The Batty Engineer"
by Lady Rainbow

Rating: PG-13
Pairing: TnT
Disclaimer: Don’t own ‘em, don’t make money off ‘em.
Notes: Here it is, the last chapter. What will happen to Pyrithia in the future? That’ll be addressed later in the series. You’ll discover that not every member of Koss’s family acts like a weasel, and Vulcan politics comes back to haunt Enterprise, with far-reaching consequences.

The next story is tentatively titled, “Blue Tears” and features Captain Hayes, the Columbia crew, Shran and the Andorians. Shran and Hayes get into a LOT of trouble. Captain Sato and her crew return for “The Needs of the Many”, the tenth story in the AU Switcheroo Series.

Thanks to all my readers and reviewers! Please let me know what you think so far.


“We’ve put a small breeding case in your doctor’s Sickbay, Phlox, so you won’t run out of food for Sebastian,” Mylene told him, “and I’ve thoroughly briefed Doctor Reed on its care. It looks like your little friend has adapted quite well to your ship, more than I’d expected.” She scratched Sebastian under the chin, then gave him a blood fly. The bat snapped it up as if Phlox hadn’t already fed him. Three times that morning.

“He’s already assisted us in saving a fellow crewman. Sebastian has proven himself a worthy addition to the crew,” Phlox told her, as he gave his pet an indulgent smile. “It seems that Sebastian’s instincts are better than anyone expected.”

“Well, I am glad he is an excellent companion to you.” Mylene’s smile faded and she shook her head. “Will Earth take over Pyrithia because of this ‘radan’ element? Our scientists think it may have more uses than just aesthetic, but will this compromise our mission as a wildlife refuge?”

Phlox shifted uncomfortably; Mylene’s question had touched upon the core of the controversy. “I would say that Starfleet and Earth’s government has a greater interest in your planet, Mylene. What they ultimately will decide...I cannot say.”

“Our animals live from day to day. I suppose that is the best advice for these unsettled times.”

“That may be the best advice,” Phlox agreed, but he didn’t voice the increasing concern he felt for Pyrithia, for Enterprise and the rest of Earth’s interests. Judging from Mylene’s expression, he knew the Ranger thought the same thing.

Phlox and Sebastian walked Mylene and Thala to the transporter room and personally activated the controls. Both Rangers smiled and saluted Phlox as they vanished from sight. Phlox tapped the comlink. “Phlox to Bridge. Our guests are safely home.”

“Thank you, Phlox,” Captain Sato replied. “Helm, take us out, warp two.”

“Yes, ma’am,” said the helmsman—not T’Pol, Phlox noticed. He retraced his steps back to Engineering; the day’s workload was already a long list at seven in the morning. Ever since he’d briefed his entire department on the malfunctions, the equipment seemed even more prone to breaking down. It was maddening, enough to put the normally cheerful Denobulan on edge.

He saw Massaro consulting with Hess on the upper deck; both were having some sort of disagreement. Hess threw up her hands in disgust and stalked away, while Massaro shrugged and went back to whatever repair he was working on. Phlox could feel the tension between the two and hoped this wasn’t a sign of what was to come.

“Chief, Ensign T’Pol is waiting for you in your office,” called Kelby.

“Thank you, Richard.” He hurried to his office to find the Vulcan seated in the chair across from his desk. Sebastian settled into his regular perch as Phlox greeted her. “What can I do for you, Ensign?”

“I have Assistant Minister T’Jal on a secured channel. She is eager to talk to us.”

It took Phlox a moment to remember who T’Jal was: she was the sister of Soultek, T’Pol’s future father-in-law. He was surprised that T’Pol was able to contact her and convince her to talk to him. “By all means, we shouldn’t keep her waiting.”

T’Pol nodded and activated the screen. An older Vulcan woman appeared, her glossy black hair touched with silver and hard lines at the corners of her mouth. Despite the stern demeanor, T’Jal’s eyes sparkled with genuine humor. T’Pol split her fingers in the Vulcan salute and Phlox did his best to copy her.

“It is an honor to finally meet you, Commander Phlox,” T’Jal said, her Standard English as clipped and precise as Malcolm Reed’s,

“The honor is mine, Lady T’Jal,” he replied graciously. “Thank you for taking the time to hear us out.”

T’Jal gave her future niece-in-law a look that Phlox didn’t know how to interpret. “T’Pol has told me about your equipment trouble. I must admit that the situation, while grave, does not completely surprise me.”


“My words are not meant as an insult to Henry Archer, per se, but the fools that he must follow. You must understand that I have made an effort to keep this news silent, especially from my brother and the Vulcan High Command. Soultek would use this as proof that Humans are unworthy allies and should be isolated without delay.”

Phlox sat there, stunned by T’Jal’s blunt words. He glanced at T’Pol, whose eyes blazed with suppressed fury. No wonder Charles was ambivalent about this arrangement. This affair, most likely, goes as far as the High Command, possibly even to V’Lar herself!

He kept his tone even. “That would be a huge loss.”

“Yes, Commander, but I must admit that such rampant paranoia is more widespread here than your Starfleet realizes.” T’Jal’s tone became more ironic. “Especially within this family, I am ashamed to say. T’Pol, you must know that it has become dangerous to defy Soultek’s wishes concerning this matter, so I must be brief.”

T’Jal re-focused her attention on Phlox and raised her hand to the screen. He saw a datadisk within her fingers. “I have gathered every scrap of information that I judged pertinent to your problems, Commander. Please prepare your viewer to receive.”

His fingers tapped the commands into the computer, then he nodded. T’Jal slid the disk into her terminal and after a few moments, the information winked on a secondary screen. “My utmost gratitude, Lady T’Jal. This will help us tremendously.”

The assistant minister nodded. “I am sorry I cannot do more to help, but it is perilous to defy the clan elder, Soultek. T’Pol, it pains me to say this, but you cannot risk contacting me again, more for your sake than mine.”

T’Pol bowed her head. “I understand.”

“Peace and long life to you, niece-in-law-to-be, and to you, Commander Phlox. Vulcan Space and Ship Operations, out.” T’Jal’s image disappeared from the screen.

Phlox sighed and scrolled down the first page of T’Jal’s information. “A brave woman.”

“Yes.” T’Pol’s eyes were mournful. “Phlox—may I make yet another confidential request?”

“Of course, T’Pol.”

She took a deep breath. “I have informed Captain Sato of some information that my fiancé has provided me. She wishes to have a closed meeting of the senior staff...will you attend?”

“I will.” He met her gaze and nodded. “I will be there.”

“Thank you.” She sighed and got to her feet. “I will call you when all is ready.”

T’Pol fled the office and Phlox watched her go, his heart heavy. He saw the heavy burden on her shoulders and thought, I will do all I can to help her carry it. This I do promise.

Phlox sat between T’Pol and Jonathan Archer in the Captain’s Ready Room. Hoshi Sato’s words had struck him into utter speechlessness. As he glanced around, he could tell that his reaction wasn’t singular: Charles Tucker was as grim as Phlox had ever seen him, while Malcolm Reed’s expression was blank, as if the Englishman had become Vulcan himself.

“Minister V’Lar’s health has deteriorated badly since the coup,” Hoshi told them. “Malcolm has informed me that certain Vulcans have had similar decline...and it’s too involved to be just coincidental.”

Malcolm nodded. “Doctor Arroyo on Columbia sent me some of her findings...whatever it is has definitely been genetically engineered. Minister V’Lar has perhaps six months left to live unless we find a cure before then.” He steepled his fingers under his chin, Vulcan-style. “She and I have tested both Columbia’s and Enterprise’s crews before we left Earth, and it does not appear to affect Humans, for the most part.”

“If V’Lar dies,” Travis spoke up, “who takes over?”

Jon Archer’s mouth tightened as he replied, “Then the head of the Vulcan High Command becomes interim High Minister until a replacement for V’Lar is chosen. The current head is a hard-liner named Shomek.”

“And his right-hand minister is Soultek,” Trip put in, his voice disgusted.

Hoshi raised her eyebrows and looked over at T’Pol, whose eyes were closed as if she was in great pain. “Your future father-in-law.”

“Yes.” T’Pol appeared to be struggling with some inner conflict. “It would be a great advancement in the family status. I would venture to postulate that my intended’s father will not be satisfied with just being Shomek’s assistant.”

“He wants the big chair,” Trip interpreted.

A slight smile played at the corners of T’Pol’s lips. “I believe that was the implication.”

Hoshi’s pretty features were set in stone as she glanced at Jon. “The Diplomatic Corps has requested Jon’s presence in Shi’Kahr to address the growing crisis. T’Vau at Vulcan Medical has asked Malcolm to return as well...V’Lar has asked Starfleet to temporarily reassign him as her personal physician.”

“Her personal physician?” Travis repeated, his dark eyes going wide. “Forgive me if I’m wrong, Malcolm, but wouldn’t that be insulting to her Vulcan Healers?”

Malcolm chuckled humorlessly and nodded at the younger man. “It can be and it is. I think V’Lar has made a calculated move to show what she thinks of Soultek’s maneuvering.”

T’Pol nodded. “And I have been asked to return as well..for V’Lar has arranged a meeting with High Priestess T’Saiya of Mount Seleya. I suspect the High Priestesses have decided to involve themselves as well, despite many centuries of non-interference in temporal matters.”

Trip looked over at her, his face ruddy with suppressed worry and anger. “Is there anyone who isn’t goin’ to Vulcan?”

Hoshi chuckled and shook her head. “I’m still here, as well as Travis and Phlox, so you aren’t all alone, Trip. We can’t afford to send everyone, as much as I’m tempted to just divert Enterprise to Vulcan. Lieutenant Cutler will fill in for Malcolm as Chief Medical Officer and Ensign Hamboyan for Jon.” Her flash of humor vanished. “Our original mission still stands, at least until it’s our turn to report to Jupiter Station. There’s a nice uninhabited star system a few light years from here that’ll keep us busy.”

Phlox saw movement under the table and thought he spotted Charles’s hand around T’Pol’s. He nearly smiled, but that would have betrayed the gesture, and Phlox didn’t want to do that. They will be separated yet again. Yet if it is meant to be, they will be together in the end, even barring this “fiancé” and his treacherous family. The Enterprise is a family in itself. He thought of Sebastian, in his office, and knew that fact was more significant than ever in these troubled times.

Author’s Note: The next story is tentatively titled, “Blue Tears” and features Captain Hayes, the Columbia crew, Shran and the Andorians. Captain Sato and her crew return for “The Needs of the Many”, the tenth story in the AU Switcheroo Series.

Back to Part 9
The series continues in Blue Tears

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