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The Three Musketeers, Reunited
By Lady Rainbow

Disclaimer: Don’t own ‘em, don’t make money off ‘em.
Notes: This is actually one of the first ENT stories I wrote. It’s been sitting on my hard drive for over a year and I’ve decided to dust it off. A series of coincidental meetings lead to a reunion of Porthos and his siblings. In “A Night in Sickbay”, Archer says he got Porthos from the mother of an ex-girlfriend, and he’d had the beagle since he was six weeks old. This is set after “Terra Prime”.

I’d like to give a shout-out to the military personnel stationed in the Hampton Roads, VA area. (Which includes Norfolk Naval Base, Oceana Naval Air Station in Virginia Beach, Langley Air Force Base in Hampton and Fort Eustis in Newport News.) My dad’s a retired Navy chief and I was a military brat growing up. My parents still live in that area.

And yes, Mount Trashmore is an actual park in Va. Beach, and it does have a Skate Park (modified for hoverboard skaters in this fic.)

You can see a pic of it at http (colon)(double backslash)en(dot)wikipedia(dot)com(backslash)wiki(backslash)Mount(underscore)Trashmore

This is a different kind of story than I usually write. Please R&R.

Status: Complete

Part 1 (G), 23 August 2008
Part 2 (G), 23 August 2008
Part 3 (G), 23 August 2008
Part 4 (G), 23 August 2008
Part 5 (G), 23 August 2008

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Disclaimer: Star Trek in all its various forms and its characters are the property of CBS/Paramount. No copyright infringement is intended by the authors of this site, which is solely for the purpose of entertainment and is not for profit. This site is owned by CX and was opened to the public in February 2008.