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"Pen to Paper"
by A. Rhea King

Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don't own them, CBS/Paramount does.
Genre: Humor/Drama
Description: More prankster games, there's nothing like a hole outside the girl's bathroom, even the reclamation crew has a secret, and a crewman is lost.

A Woman’s Scorn (6)

Sherie slid out of the access panel into Trip’s quarters. She stood up and ran into his bathroom. Sherie picked up the bottle of aftershave sitting on the back of the sink and opened the bottle. She reached in the shoulder bag she was carrying and pulled out an empty jar that she poured the aftershave into. She closed the jar and pulled out a bottle of perfume and poured it into the aftershave bottle.

“Hope you don’t nick yourself until next week, Trip,” Sherie murmured. “It could be a painful experience.”

Sherie capped the aftershave bottle and ran back to the access panel. She slipped in and pulled the cover shut behind her.


Sherie looked up from her book when a bottle of aftershave was sat down between her arms. She smiled up at Trip. The entire mess hall had fallen silent, interested in what was about to happen between the two of them.



“What’s this, sir?” Sherie asked, pointing at the bottle.

“This, I imagine, would be your perfume. And while it does have a rather pleasant scent, I prefer my aftershave. You didn’t throw it out, did you? That wouldn’t be within the spirit of the game.”

“Had I been the one to switch it out, sir, I wouldn’t have. I’d have to agree that it wouldn’t be within the spirit of the game and would be a waste of good aftershave.”

“Great. Maybe by tomorrow, we’ll say noon, this bottle could find its way back to my bathroom with my aftershave in it?”

Sherie pretended to be thinking. “Well, if I had been the one to switch it out, that could be a possibility.” Sherie looked up at him. “I’ll see if I can hunt down the culprit and have this problem alleviated for you, sir.”

“You do that, Sherie. You do that.”

Trip turned and walked away. Sherie turned back to her book a smug smile.

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